Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Kisah kawan baik dan memori kami

Chinese New Year 2010 :)

Abang saya kawen pown dia dtg, sweet kan?

Saya sayang Rara!

ra, thanx sebab tinggalkan aku. ehhh, ni bukan post nk marah2 kau. takkk. no way! ni ikhlas dari lubuk hati aku. cewahhh!

tadi mase aku drive, yela drive sorang2 kan..tibe2 aku teringat.

teringat masa kite slalu g kelas same2 ngn kete kebal tuh.
teringat masa kite bangun lambat, then rushing g kelas.
teringat masa masuk kelas even dah lambat, wat muke innocent (ok. muke aku dah gelabah time tu).
teringat time pas abs kelas otw balik umah, lalu kt federal..kan ade jaspal punye iklan. kau slalu ckp, "ti, cube kau tgk..hot kan?" "hot dow, laki tu..pergghh nk kiss ke tak ni?" *merujuk kepada billboard tu lahh*
teringat kite slalu melalak lagu bruno mars.."today i don't feel like doing anything.." pastu kau lesap g dating..eh meeting. byk la lazy song kau! hahahaha..
teringat masa masak same2..eh ke kau je yg masak? hahahaa..inti karipap terlebih masin..tapi makan jgk..

paling teringat masa aku merajuk gile babun ngn kau, tak bercakap. tapi kejutkan kau jgk. wat breakfast for two jugak. still masih malas drive. tak bercakap dalam kete. hanya pandang ke luar tingkap (dah la time tu jem) sunyi sepi kete time tu. masuk kelas duduk asing2. tp depan belakang je pown. sume membe kite hairan garu kepala nape kite senyap je. sampai2 kelas terus study kauuu! terkejut mak nokkk! tapi along the class, ktorg dah oke. slowly la ice nk cair. wat2 muke toya tu dah biase. kau ingat tak?

ape daaa membebel. eh helo, ni luahan perasaan oke. rindu.

thanx sebab tak stay longer. kalau kau stay longer, mesti aku ni nk berkepit je ngn kau. sume bnd pown, "ala rara kan ade, oke punye..dont worry ehh.." mesti sampai skg aku malas yg teramat nk drive, manja ngn kau lebih2..padahal reti je. hehehe :)

yes, i tend to be clingy. i hang around you like its nobody business. ok tak la sampai cmtu. melampau lak aiii..that's why, long distance thingy is not for me. nanti hari2 aku meruntun hiba. kalau kau nk stay, stay here with me forever. cewahhhh! haru la kau ni tina! puuiihhhhh!

haha, i love you Siti Maheeran! muah muah!

berbuke same2 last year kot :)

Sunday, August 7, 2011


Assalammualaikum, readers!

aku nak tnye korg pernah tak kuar dating, then korg rse berdebar2 jantung cm nk terkeluar, segala hati, perut, limpa nak terjatuh? tbe2, korg flushed, tgn berpeluh- peluh dan jd clumsy (kalau kau mmg clumsy tu bertambah-tambah clumsy la)

ye. aku pernah.
byk kali dgn lelaki yg sama.

i mean kalau first time, kire logik la kan? ni everytime kuar kot, aku rse cm nervous gile. tapi, pasai pa pown aku xtaw.

lelaki tu, xde la hot cm aaron aziz ke remy ishak ke ape..dia biase2 je. normal kinda guy. dia just nice. and moderate.

so aku pown tnye la kat membe aku psal feeling ni. dia ckp itu adalah emotion reflection. waahhh. jap. aku tak paham. explain sket.

cmni, bile kau suke kat seseorang as in crush ke temporary feelings ke ape..sure lah kau akan berdebar2, tgn berpeluh-peluh, semua jd kelam kabut. or maybe kau just akan rse berdebar2 sgtttt, tak gitu? actually, dia pown mengalami perasaan yg sme. strong sgtt emotion wave dia ter-reflect kt kau. dan kau pown mendapat 2 kali ganda emotion tu.

tapi kalau dah byk kali kau cmtu, aku rse korg mmg syok la. tapi, tiada sesiapa yg berani berkata-kata. tiada siapa tahu mengapa tidak berani bersuara.

haaa, cmtu lah dia bgtaw aku. dia kate ade bce buku about it. aku nk kne cari la buku tu. nt kalau jmp, aku explain more and more.

ps: ngn lelaki tu je aku rse cmtu, ngn lelaki lain tak.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

3 things

Hai..ngh busy ni *lap2 sesawang, berhabuk!*
haa oke2.. 0_O

berkilat dah oiii.

setelah membaca/terbaca beberapa entry dari pelbagai blog lain, tbe2 aku rasa nk tulis jgk. bukan aku tak nak tulis bfre this, tapi rasa cm tak perlu. tapi entry kali ini aku rase perlu. *ekeleh, perlu sgt ke?*

ekeleh, bace la dulu..cmni..

dalam beberapa bulan yg lepas, which aku tak ingat la. aku ade kuar ngn sorang guy ni. dia classmate aku time skola dulu. actually, relationship ktorg mmg cm anjing ngn kucing. selalu bergaduh, tak same kepala, ade je point nk kenekan each other. tapi dia ade ajak aku kuar, most of the time aku tolak. sebab aku tak minat. *tapi aku tolak cre berhemah la* time tu mmg busy ngn exam bagai..so aku mmg tak kuar sgt. then tak taw cmne, tergerak plak nk kuar ngn dia. so set time sume. yela aku kan gatal. oke. maybe aku sje nk try. tgk cmne. besides ktorg dah kenal lme sgtttt. so xde pape la kan.

disebabkan rumah ktorg dekat, aku pown amk la dia. dan mmg aku tak naik moto sbb aku takut tahap gaban. dia tak kesa. ktorg g mne ek? haaa..sunway. lahh, aku mmg suke g sunway. so aku mmg happy la..tapi dia. dia tbe2 jd pelik. dia jd gentleman. wtf? bukan aku tak suke. tp aku terkejut. sebelum tu aku ade ckp kt dia, aku nk beli handbag sbb well..handbag yg aku pkai tu cm dah tak cantek. bile aku dah jmp, aku tros beli la *stok tak pikir pnjg punye, suke rembat* then tbe2..dia bawak kan bag tu utk aku. wtf 2? tbe2 dia ckp baik2 ngn aku. oke. pelik. sbb mne ktorg pnh ckp elok2. kalau tak jerit kt each other mmg tak sah.

aku bertambah pelik. plus dah start rimas ni.

then pastu, ktorg terus blk. sbb aku dah rse tak selesa dah ni. then ade la dlm seminggu dia try call aku. mmg aku angkat tp borak2 kejap je. nth. aku rse tak selesa. so aku tak suke.

pastu bru aku taw, ape perasan bile kuar ngn perasan cmtu. bukan tak suke totally, just tak selesa dan rimas. sbb ianye berlaku secara tbe2. kau bayangkan la, dulu time skola ari2 ktorg bergaduh, tp bile kuar jd lain plak. aku takut la.

point dia kt sini. tibe2. tibe2 jd baik, tbe jd cool. tbe2 jd gentleman. tbe2 aku jd takut. sbb ianye secara tbe2. dan slalu perkara yg tbe2 ni tak kekal. kalau kekal jd chronic. cm acute (tbe2) then kalau dibiarkan jd chronic. so aku dah tuka dia jd neutral blk.

dia mmg confident habis ble kuar ngn aku. maybe sbb dia rse dia continue degree ape bagai sume, ble keje dpt yg best, gaji pown masyuk nt kan..tp oh tidakkkk! aku tak terusik ngn itu semua. sbb satu. kalau aku tak selesa ngn kau, means its not gonna work.

oh lelaki, jgn kau ingat kau berduit, keje bgus, blaja smpai phd kau boleh dapat sume yg kau nak. including pompuan. tu sume bonus. tapi kau mmg bengap2, lembs dan tak memahami. so cmne? will it work with just your fucking money and title? nth. tp aku rse tak. kalau awek kau materialistik tu maybe la. oh and a gold digger. maybe, maybe.

aku slalu percaya, the best relationship will happen when you and your partner achieve this 3:
1. mutual understanding
2. mutual trust
3. mutual respect

"how can we be together forever if you don't understand me, and i don't understand you. when we don't understand each other, how can we trust each other and by that time, i don't think any of us will respect each other anymore."

i just want to be with the person with a common sense, please.


Monday, June 13, 2011

5 things i did

I am sorry i ditched you. okay. that's harsh. again. i am sorry i abandoned you. its not your fault. its mine. totally mine. but i missed you. so i'm going to tell the craps that i've been doing for the past few weeks.

gonna do this in point form.

1. i am busy planning my future. yep. im graduating, gonna take the Nursing Board Examination this Wednesday. but, i've got contract so why do i still need to plan. what? i planned after my 5 years contract. yup, i knw. im optimistic. in this kinda way.

2. i'm in vain mode. what the? yeah. i do constantly compliments myself. i like my feature. my lips, my lower lip actually. my eyes. my chin. my boobs. my hips. my hair. listen. don't you ever hear people say, "you got to love yourself, before you want somebody else love you" or "love yourself, then you find somebody admiring you". call me whatever you want, but if somebody to compliment on your boobs, or practically anything about you there's only two meaning- 1. they feel superb jealous of yourself. 2. they secretly want to destroy you. enuff said.

3. im sky-ping-pong. okay. skype-ing. not just with you. i do it with my other frens too. and telling them basically my day, my probs. and gossiping. but i do it mostly with you. i often told you this bunch of my problems, i forgot to ask yours. i'm sorry.

4. i am busy daydreaming. Zzzzz..to go to an island and swim in the deep blue sea..and hopefully don't get sunburns. yikes !

5. this got to be the dumbest thing i've ever done since graduating high school. re-establishing a relationship that i know was worthless. why? seriously. okay. because there's so much memories that i don't want to let go. and yes, it's been in my sleep. pathetic. it took weeks after weeks until i've come to realization that he's not worthed. i really liked him, but it was long gone. and i threw the memories to the open sea.

i tink that's the most i did when you and i were separated for awhile. well, besides than studying and cleaning the house..pretty much yeahh..

okay. im gonna go STUDY ! seeya!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

If you could see my hair right now. super duper messy. akibat dari input yg diterima pd hari ini dr pukul 9-5. i was so restless, everytime. and keep thinking about the breaks. and i wanted to pee. it was really cold. i'm sure its -ve something. haha. but really.

and we ate the candy, too much i tink im goin to get a diabetes soon. urgghhhh. but it was so tiring and cold and boring. but overall, the food was awesome! there's breakfast, tea @ 11 am, then lunch @ 1 pm. omg. see the time. and we still ate. rezeki jgn ditolak weii..kenyang giler.

btw, i attend this talk. nk cri tempat tu dah la payah. sesat. last2 naik teksi, itu pun lepas dah berpeluh-peluh. jauh kot ampang park ngn holiday villa. agak ah. long story. actually dekat je pown. salah direction.

jap g nk lepak ngn cha lg. mkn lg. oke. xyh la. minum je sudah.