Friday, November 26, 2010


mane kau? i think i need you now..

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Matang? kematangan?
ekeleh...ape benda ni? cm xpernah dgr la plak en...cissss
tak de la..
aku taw, dan selalu terpikir gak..cmne nk jd matang cm sis in law aku..cun plak tu..
dia lemah-lembut, ckp slow2, jalan sopan santun, xpernah jerit2 kt adik2 dia..everytime aku tgk dia en, mst cm "alamak, akak jija ni.."
da la dpt hubby cm abg aku..perghhh mantap siott..ckp stok romantik...abg aku pown cm dia gk ah..rilek cool.. =p so bile aku ngn kak jija en tbe2 aku berubah jadi lemah-lembut (sikit) ckp sopan santun, turun tangga slow2..cewahhhh..

tapi...kalau akak aku lain..
nak cite pown xabis..kalau nak dipendekkan akak aku ni rockerssss beb..dia men belasah aku..gasak kau hubby dia lain sioottt..kalau akak aku da gasak, gelabah..bro in law cool je..dia biar kn je..tgk2 ape next step...usha sket2..diowg ni age gap boleh tahan gak..6 years if im not mistaken...haaa..hebat x hebat akak aku..dia tackle..despite rockerss..sonang hidup dia..tup tap tup tap..anak2 da 2 org..terer la ko kak..

so back to the story

eh eh..aku cite ni sbg contoh kehidupan..bukan ape pown..ala rilek sudaa
unlike my sis in law..aku ni ekeleh..haishhh...ckp xde makne nye nk slow2, lemah lembut..ckp laju cm tren ade r..jalan tu cmne nk jalan cm pompuan melayu terakhir? xreti miss world..xreti den..
talk when necessary..susah ni beb. soh diam 5 minute pown susah gak..
gelak cm senyap2 (giggle) lg susah..kalau ade membe cm cha, yatim, faiz..sume2 tu..haa aku pikir saploh kali boleh ke tak nak gelak ni..aku pernah kejap je diam dan tak gelak..pastu haaa..gasak kau lah..gelak x igt dunia punye..hahahahahaha..

cmne weii? nk jadi lemah lembut gak..sopan2..matured. mcm mereka..

oh lagi satu, even adik aku nmpk matang dan aku kdg2 nmpk cm anak bongsu (tp xmenjadi disebabkan pertumbuhan dan rupa fizikal kami) percayalah, aku gedik dan itu semua..aku masih tahu jage adik aku oke, masih tahu bagi alasan yg kukuh atas setiap kesalahan, masih tahu mengajar maths dan English dan science (esp certain topic..hehe), masih dan masih dan masih lagi..hehe..

best ape jadi kakak ;)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Bulan Sibuk

assalamualaikum readers!!

hari ini penat lah! korang xpenat ke? dah la ade lecture from xpe, disebabkan dia pkai kemeja kaler dimaafkan XD plus dia cute keje aku mse lecture dia, hanyalah usha dia dan said "yes" to everything..even tak? best kan kan...

oh, btw..sebagaimana yg aku tahu dan hopefully korg la kn..November adalah bulan yg plng sweet bagi aku..aku suka sgt november despite bulan ni mmg kecoh dan super duper tu sume cam apa ade hal lah kn..npe sweet sgt november ni? hehe..mestilah sebab november 27 birthday aku..kalau toulon dude dgr ni mst kne lg..he said "jgn nak excited sgt november ni.." ekeleh, dia jeles..because he had to promise me dat he will say "yes" to everything in this month..hahaha..

so i told him this
" you are robyn"
"and i am lily"

yes to everything. yes! tp skg dia ngh tido kot. xpown study or worse case scenario, dota. biaselah, mat dota. Dunia Orang Takde Awek aka DOTA. ape la ko buat kat toulon tu kn..haihhhh..

OSCE coming up! tu psal la aq bz xtentu hala..ala practical exam. 24 aribulan. hari2 kne practice..penat gak, xsempat review utk kelas tadi..(mcm la ko slalu review pown kn tinaaaa)

next! Exam also coming up! on 29 oi final..blaja oke! speaking of the devil, cmne nak jd rajin..dan pnh dgr..mkn tempe boleh menguatkan ingatan..yela, besides kismis..i like tempe taw..
eh eh..nak tnye ah, cmne nak study tanpa buat rse cm malas nak wat notes. cm malas malas..nak bce smpai muntah boleh? rumet aq x wat notes pown, rilek je..selamba badak dia tenung notes tu cm nak telan..pelik..markah lebih kurang aku, stok2 cukup nak gempak xsgt..average. yelah, bile da senior ni..dia slow sikit..average marks kire power r utk minah malas blaja cm aku ni..tido je dlm kelas. dan makan. dan berborak, bergosip.

dah malam kn? tgk la. jap g kne practice OSCE lg..sabar katil, pas abs sume bnd ni, malam ni juga aku beradu ngn ko..xkire2! aq rindu domo kun...t__t

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


So what up with 2 post tonight? nahh, i just thought about something when i took my bath..
its about some people who like to wear glasses so they can actually look "stylish" and its a fashion (?) what i mean is, not the shades or sunglasses..its the dork nerdy glasses type or more like we called old school with the thick, big frame..usually black in colours..but oh well since its fashion they come in many colours..XD

let me tell you a story. true story about me.

i start to wear glasses when i was 9, and that is standard, when i was in form 1-3, let me calculate it for you..basically when i was 13-15 years old..well, teenagers at that time think that glasses is lame and not cool. at all. its like granny or something.. a friend of mine, told me that i actually look like nenek kebayan with my glasses. no, no..not the old school type, its just normal glasses with no i had high lens power..and it looks thick (believe me, i think so too)
what i did was, i took off my glasses the next day to school and everybody start to notice me. including the guy i like (yeay?). since then i become a trend setter. visually impaired student with no glasses. cool eh? my classmates and one of them is my bff followed me..well i influenced her actually..see, we went to school..crossing roads with no glasses just to be glasses and you are cool..when we wear glasses then? are we able to see what the teachers wrote on the blackboard? yes, we wear em only and only in the class, lab, etc..

yeah it was cool, and you started to wear makeup (yes, i wear makeup to what?)
you see, the difference is..we nerds, dork and so whatever..wear makeups and bla bla..but we get good grades..not the same with you. you are posers. anyway..when you are not wearing glasses meaning you can't see clearly so even when your bf walks beside you, you didn't even say "hi" and this includes your best friends or any teachers called just can't seem to respond. and that because you can't see. (clearly)

but i wear em back when i was in form 4-5 cause i dont give a damn thing about nerds or dorks. i just want to pass my spm. and i can say "hi" to my best friend again.

i just want to say that, i was like this when i was still a kid. you. yes, you. have a perfect eye sight. 6/6 non aided. i would be happy if i can see 6/6 non aided. but it always stated aided. so don't purposely go and buy those so called old school glasses just for the sake of fashion. plus it comes many bright colours, sometimes you can look like a mania person..its just ugly. trust me. your not having any eye problem, why want to be one. posers. nah, take my eyes..sepet. give me your big round eyes.

applies to you all. posers.
im cooler cause i've been wearing glasses since 9. and its old school, with thick, black-greenish frame..hah!

I just love dreaming

I didn't talk to my best friend. it sucks i know. and it has been about emmm, 8 hours since after class..or its getting weird since lets see, the visits to malaysian for the blind association..speaking of which..the visually impaired people are cool! and im touched by their story..and and i learned braille..its awesome! oh last time when i was posted to the national eye hospital i met a friend..he told us about his story and of course it was sad t__t
btw, he is a paralympic and guess what? he's a rider, but of course he is visually impaired so its like this, they ride a two seated bicycle..the one infront is the one who have normal visual and at the back is's that sounds? i have a friend competing in the olympic or sukan SEA? im not sure..but you know im proud of you Saiful! go and make Malaysia proud! i'll be waiting for the gold medal.. ^_^

Anyway, lets get back to the story.

im the one who frankly told/asked anyone about my opinion over i frankly asked her, "ra, are we friends?" "or not?" or maybe i said in the kinda different version, it goes.."ra, we're not friends anymore, aren't we?"
then she said, "yeah, we're not"
i asked, "but why?" ( you know im not satisfied with just one gloomy answer and for the friendship's sake, I NEED TO KNOW FREAKIN WHY)
well then she said, " im just jealous cause everybody want to celebrate your birthday" (cause i insisted, and hey..its my 20th peeps! and birthdays are amazing! i love cupcakes, good music and nice place to celebrate and i want my friends to be with me on my 20th, especially)
btw, i just told her that i thought (oh, we didn't really get to celebrate hers on june) she's matured enough ( or that she wanted to be) and im still a kid, so i need a celebration =p
that's just it. and its this year is the last year im gonna celebrate with my college friends..i guess she still have time to celebrate hers next year june, right?
im sorry, its just me. i said it jokingly and everybody laughed okayyy ;) not about you, about the idea of my birthday..duhhhh. its kinda funny..the way i said it. and they thought its ridiculously hysterically funny (or i thought so) i just need 3 things on my birthday, and i will be happy on that day..

But im not that kinda person. sooner or later, im just gonna let my guard down (for awhile) and go to her room and sit on her bed and said "i hate birthdays! i don't think i can go to penang with you guys..just cancel the damn party (if they ever plan)" okayyyy..its my crazeee thought (hopefully i will change the script soon)
im just gonna say this "im sorry, im being selfish and childish but i love party and cupcakes and presents and surprises and most of all it would be just fun if im with the one im loved..especially you"

i just feel nice and good on november. especially there's cha and yatim who drivin me insane with their superficial lame but kinda works jokes..its like talking to the cast of HIMYM. wait, its like being in it!!

now, need to stop dreaming about this nonsensical idea about birthdays, cupcakes or even parties..but you can dream bout HIMYM and their jokes. its cool and awesome, and you apply it to your regular daily life..hey, who knows it could be LEGENDARY!!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

jom cuti-cuti!!

Saya da blk sedih kne tido sorg2...rumet ksygn skg ni cuti2..mereka xde la en. saya blk sebab nt nk g bercuti..tmpt berkumpul kt kolej en xg taw sape2 pown kt umh..ha? xgtaw? asal nakal sgt ko ni tina?? *ini dialog membe2 aq* mereka risau tp sy xrisau sbb mereka ade..hheee sian korg kne jge aku..da la nakal, hyper, degil, suke lari sini sana..nasib nasib..muahahahaa...pegang tangan saya, nanti hilang aaaaa...xtaw nk mntk tolong spe daa..
tp nasib baik amer teman kite smlm..:) tgk sweet je kn sume org time november ni..
teman msg2 je..mne bole teman msk bilik..ape daa..

oke2, beg da kemas dan bak kate amer "bape tan lah bju yg dibwk nye tu?" tu la amer, smpai skg xtimbang2 lg..kang terlebih susa plak en..2 jam saya kemas beg, heh..penat taw..xde plak bibik kt kolej ni(ekeleh, lebey ni..) tp xpe, nasib baik ade amer ;) hehhee..

jom wat checklist, japg ade plak brg tertinggal en..
1.baju-baju (nighties, mandi-manda,jejalan)
3.beach sandals (cewaahhh, selipar sudahh)
4.dress (woot woot, biaselah..kate beach..)
5. tudung, shawls..
6. make up
7. toiletries
8. medicine (ya, saya sakit)
9. sunblocks ( errr...)
10. shades, hat..

eh ape lg ek? *sambil memandang beg besar kaler hijau* da mcm pelarian plak aq tgk, xpown dak2 lari umh...hehehee

12. tiket? haa..xpegang la, tu kt mereka yg membeli tiket nth brp bulan yg lepas..

tu je la kot..hehe..nanti supir (ni kalau dgr sia2 lebam mate ko tina..) dtg amk kul kul 3 nk kne get ready dah..make up lg, mne taw bju x tune lak ngn shawls ke ape..haihhh..
ok...nk sambung tido..zzzzz...

eh xgtaw ke cuti ktne? aisehhhh...lupa2..langkawi..dekat je, saya x kaya cm awak nk cuti2 kt bali, bandung, london, nth mane nak kumpul duit, honeymoon di maldives island bebeh..mauritius pown ok gak..


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

muke excited

hai, hai..hari ni..rse cm nk tulis plak slalu tak nak la, gedik tak aku? gedik kn kn..tapi ni blog aku ske ati r..hari ni bngn pg cewahhh pagi la sgt..xde mkne nye. oke mesti r check fon en..first thing.hehe..dpt msg dr amer ;) beliau ckp, sori xdpt reply msg sbb kt sngpore ni reply msg rm1..otw blk kl da ni..sekian.

yela haritu ktorg msg mse dia kt sgpore agk byk la..haa ape dia wat kt sgpore? amboiii kemain cuti, siap la hang. nanti turn kite plak.muahahaa..dia kata g tgk concert, concert ape lupe plak nk tnye..sori2 aku mmg cmni, tnye what, tp lupe nk tnye why sometimes where..hahhaa selalu kne marah ngn rara sebab ni..lalalala~ dan bak kata dak toulon aku da tua..~~pffttttt

hari ni agak best sebab mok2 nk masak special utk kakak aku rase more to menggemukkan aku kn kn..bek ko ckp skg dik, ko nk bg aq gemok kn..cetttttt tak terpedaya..tapi aku terharu mok, ko nk msk kn utk aku, yela akak hang ni kalau pegang sudip, periuk belanga, kuali sume dia jadi lain mcm dik..tapi tak bermakna task reti masak, dia cm malas kalau ada org yg baik hati lagi comel cm ko tolong masak kn ( ayat dia len mcm tp xpa la, asal kn aku ikhlas puji ko) kn akak hang ni?

ouh dan aku rase cm dak toulon da wat aku terharu gak, apsal sume org cm sweet je november ni? cewahhhh, perasaaaaaaaannnn!! amer sweet, adik mok sweet, toulon sweet(?) aku punya definisi sweet len mcm sket, especially bulan november ni..kalau gaduh pown aq rse sweet gak..hahahaa..ala dia kalau dia gaduh manja xpe..hehhee..sweet cm byk je sweet dlm ni..cube kire bpe byk sweet daa...