Our love is like a song. you can't forget it.
i hate u S! no. not my Serena. its another S. eh wait. name aku pown start with S. tapi asal lak aku nk benci diri aku. ish3...
yang ni S lain. S ni dah lama gak aku kenal since sem 1. dulu. dulu lahh, aku memang agak tak suke dia. dah la bossy gler. berlagak pandai. agak rude. tapi aku tak kesah sbb aku bukannya sopan sgt pown. kau nak rude? aku pown bolehhh..tapi lets put that aside.
ehem. mcm2 aku jmp bile search rude.
try lahh =p
nway, like someone said. don't judge a book by its cover. tak kenal maka tak cinta. cewahhhh!
but sometimes or just a human nature still judge someone by the cover. yelah, kalau kau pkai selekeh gler, mesti org igt kau ni miskin ke atau kau sakai ke hape. or or kau pkai smart, sebijik cam chuck bass..mesti org igt kau ni ank dato' ke, anak org kaya mne nth..oke. dah jgn tipu diri sendiri. ye. aku pown same. kadang2 terjudge dan termissjudge. then kne la mintak maaf. jgn kau plak nak bodoh sombong kat sne. malu wehhhh!
kalau kau pkai cmni, mst org igt kau power gler lahh. terms and condition apply.
orait. so ditakdirkan. aku posting selama 4 minggu weh. ngn si S dan ade lahh org2 lain.. kami cam omg! boleh dikatekan agak satu kepala even tu kdg2 gadoh mulut. eceh, biasela gurlssss!
now that we've been together for 4 weeks, i tink we could do this together. without having our silly cat fight. ryte2.
ish3! oke, aku blonde tu. if it ever happpens!
skg ni kami boleh bergelak ketawa bersama2. gossip sme2. haha..she still annoys me sometimes. but, im annoying too! its inevitable. haishhh..
fullstop. dah. next!
about this people.
Bill & Giulliana
nth la.btol ke aku eja nme bini kau wehh? asal lak tbe2 mereka? tak. actually as u ol noe, diorg ni ade wat cm reality tv psal hidup diorg. so aku terpikir, mst life diorg sgt exciting and interesting every single moment. mst ade drama, dilemma, conflict? tak kesah la. hmmm. nk wat reality show gak, tapi hidup aku tak se- interesting as mereka. ade tak spe2 nk wat life aku exciting. haha..berangan je kan kan..
as if ur life like Serena and Blair lah kan...cehhh..
and and, for tonight go Malaysia go!
special thanx to miss google!