Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Sometimes we just need time

Our love is like a song. you can't forget it.

i hate u S! no. not my Serena. its another S. eh wait. name aku pown start with S. tapi asal lak aku nk benci diri aku. ish3...

yang ni S lain. S ni dah lama gak aku kenal since sem 1. dulu. dulu lahh, aku memang agak tak suke dia. dah la bossy gler. berlagak pandai. agak rude. tapi aku tak kesah sbb aku bukannya sopan sgt pown. kau nak rude? aku pown bolehhh..tapi lets put that aside.

ehem. mcm2 aku jmp bile search rude.
try lahh =p

nway, like someone said. don't judge a book by its cover. tak kenal maka tak cinta. cewahhhh!
but sometimes or just a human nature still judge someone by the cover. yelah, kalau kau pkai selekeh gler, mesti org igt kau ni miskin ke atau kau sakai ke hape. or or kau pkai smart, sebijik cam chuck bass..mesti org igt kau ni ank dato' ke, anak org kaya mne nth..oke. dah jgn tipu diri sendiri. ye. aku pown same. kadang2 terjudge dan termissjudge. then kne la mintak maaf. jgn kau plak nak bodoh sombong kat sne. malu wehhhh!

kalau kau pkai cmni, mst org igt kau power gler lahh. terms and condition apply.

orait. so ditakdirkan. aku posting selama 4 minggu weh. ngn si S dan ade lahh org2 lain.. kami cam omg! boleh dikatekan agak satu kepala even tu kdg2 gadoh mulut. eceh, biasela gurlssss!
now that we've been together for 4 weeks, i tink we could do this together. without having our silly cat fight. ryte2.

ish3! oke, aku blonde tu. if it ever happpens!

skg ni kami boleh bergelak ketawa bersama2. gossip sme2. haha..she still annoys me sometimes. but, im annoying too! its inevitable. haishhh..

fullstop. dah. next!

about this people.

Bill & Giulliana

nth la.btol ke aku eja nme bini kau wehh? asal lak tbe2 mereka? tak. actually as u ol noe, diorg ni ade wat cm reality tv psal hidup diorg. so aku terpikir, mst life diorg sgt exciting and interesting every single moment. mst ade drama, dilemma, conflict? tak kesah la. hmmm. nk wat reality show gak, tapi hidup aku tak se- interesting as mereka. ade tak spe2 nk wat life aku exciting. haha..berangan je kan kan..

as if ur life like Serena and Blair lah kan...cehhh..

and and, for tonight go Malaysia go!


special thanx to miss google!

Salah tengok ke?

So i guess this is where we have to stand. did you regret ever holding my hand?
never again. please don't forget. don't forget.

I seriously don't know where we went wrong. but i really really like the time when we were together. i can finally be me.

nway, aritu g pasar malam ngn rara. mse ngh tunggu rara beli tiket balik ke tmn jaya..oh kami pergi psr malam di universiti. shj. dekat. 70 sen je oke. kot. haha. back to the story, mse ngh usha bju kt stesen tu, ade sorg kapel ni. chinese. diorg ask direction, tp in mandarin lah..bukan aku tak nak reply. tapi jgn la berpura2 mcm kau hebat sgt mandarin oke. sikit2 boleh la. pastu aku dgn jujurnya, ckp "sorry. im not chinese" then dia ngerti, dia tnye la dlm english. heh.

then aku ckp kt rara, wei. aku dah hitam sunburn pown org still igt chinese ke? haih..sambil buat muke perasan. haha..

time ni sunburn terok gler!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010



asal aku bngn kne dgr suare dia wehh? n aku rse dia yg kejut kan aku kot. seriously annoying.

"tina wake up. we got practice." then i didnt respond to her. which she said "tinaaaaa"
then this is what she got. " im not going lahhhhhhhhhhhh". then i turned and continue sleeping. i lied. yes. i lied. its just to her i told im not going. i just don't really really like to respond that much to someone that i don't like. malas nak ckp banyak ngn dia. just one fucking sentence shut her down. and that's a cold one. yela. aku taw x baik. tapi dia pun bukan nya baik sgt ngn aku pown. disebabkan hari ni hanya kami berdua je dlm bilik, oh rumet lagi sorg keje noon. sorg lagi annual leave. xmas la kate kan.

maka, aku tido smpai pukul 10 mlm. smlm smpai kul 9. bgus2. ade kemajuan. hahaha..

btw, aku plng tak suka keje 8-5. takde tea time. then aahhhh. nth lah. penat giler kot. no. more to mengantuk actually. yelah. kau berdiri dlm bilik doctor tu haaa..pas2 case notes. jadi operator. tolong bukak pintu. macam2 lah. tapi cam alamak bosan dow. its just the environment maybe. pasni back to ward. yehaaaa! yes ade can nk shape up. konon keje byk smpai takde mse nk makan..wahahahahaha!! lame giler wehhh....

oh i just found out.

if two people were meant to be together, they'll find their way eventually.
macam ni.

Chuck Bass n Blair Waldorf!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Sibuk nak jadi penukang jugak

Since Gossip Girl season 4 aku download dgn success nya. maka, dgn ini i declare im back to Blair Waldorf mode. sape xtaw Blair boleh kira lame lahhh. pergi tunjuk muke kt tempat lain. boo~

Ekeleh, ade ke ayat penukang?

Okay.back to the future? salah dow. present time. back to college. dok diam2. jgn suke suki kuar until 31 taw2..
yelah..yelahh. aku ngh bace buku ni kottt..aku dgn sabarnye menunggu tarikh itu..hohooho..
*x sabar actually, hari2 ckp pasal 31, post pasal new year* kalau x jadi kau plak tunjuk muke kat tempat lain oke! hahahaha..btw, ape aku nak buat ngn 31? oppps, xleh bgtaw sgt..ade stalker dow. taw2 je dpt arahan atasan mengatakan aku tidak dibenarkan melakukan ape2 pd yg malas ni. ade je org yg nk menyampaikan. haihhhh~mind ur own business lahhh

yes! roger that.

weekend ni. hmmm..weiiii aku da reti pasang rail langsir!! hebat tak? hebat tak? hehe~ kau igt senang aku nk drill wall ke? kalau xde kekuatan mental dan fizikal baik kau tolong pas tool je kat aku. hahaha~~

seyes berat driller bosch tu.

weiiii..mane ade aku drill. aku tolong paku kan je sbg penanda. sje gatal2 tgn. dan kesian tgk ayah aku buat sorg2..aku hanya mampu pas2 barang je. tulahh, xde plak adik laki kan. sume pompuan je..abg dah kawen. nth mne je la dia tu. ayah aku cam xsuke tgk kami bertukang kot. hehe~tapi tapi tina nak try gak..*sambil buat muke excited pegang driller dan rail langsir serta paku dan screw* heh..

rumah kau bru nk psg langsir ke? xla dow. ni umah bru. ye. aku ade umh bru. nanti senang2 dtg la. aku buat party parta ke hape kan..haha. biase2 je umah ni. tapi aku suke. comel je. bukan cam umh skg. cam muzium. kalau pindah bawak brg2 umh lame tu, maw 3 hari 3 malam bru abis..hehe. penat2.

nanti bile dah siap2 sume. cantik byk2 (skg cantik sikit). aku post la pic.

buat mse skg. kau pergi tido mimpi indah2. jumpa dlm mimpi oke. jumpa aku. bukan pakwe atau awek kau. itu lain. haha. nite u ols!!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Life kau membosankan aku.

Okey, okey, relax. tarik nafas dalam2, tahan jap..n exhale.

result nak kuar wei. nak buat bodoh je, bole tak?

malas sungguh. dah la kene dengar leteran bebelan dari tutor. penat penat. tu yg tak cukup tido. pastu bile result da cm hampeh, nangis pun tak gune. haa, bak meh rm50 p bayar resit paper. sape soh tak blaja rajin2. asyik on9 je. tgk gossip girl sampai boleh hafal skrip. nak jadi cm blair lah. kire duit beli kete lah. joli2 sedunia lagi tak kire..fuhhhhh! memang padan kalau result kau cam hampeh wei.

tapi tapi, tak kan la kau expect aku jadi cam skema badak wei. tu zaman high school aku tuuuu..
btw, diorang kt sini takde life wei. nak plak yg dri kampung mne nth (eh kalau terase nasib ah) balik kelas, mandi2, bukak buku. bukan ke kat kelas tadi dah bukak buku? sekarang tutup ah plak. sian buku. asyik kene bukak je. tu life mereka.

aku tak biase lahhh. duduk2 bace buku. novel takpe. siap terbaring-baring pown aku boleh. dah kate stay pj, ape kelassss lepak2 dlm hostel. mari meronggeng ahhh. i have my own life here. its party every fortnight. hah? kejadah? tipu lah. taw xpe. giler, takde la smpai party every fortnight. kite light2 sudaaa..haha.

tulahhh, aku tengok ade org2 kat sini. rilek je duduk kat dalam tempat ni. kesian kau. takde membe kot? kalau ade pown cm kau ah. tak paham aku. even mak aku pown tak paham mengapa mereka begitu. tapi mak aku suruh jadi cam diorang. sikit2 la. maka dengan itu, ehhhhh..tak boleh ma. ini salah. mereka tidak bersosial la ma..itu zaman batu kot. B.O.S.A.N

bersosial plak. kang korg ni bukan boleh. kate aku poyo.i mean, keluar lepak2 ngn membe..maple jap. shopping sakan (?) celebrate something kat luar. dinner dgn yang tersayang. mengupdate kan list movie korang. haaa..cmtu lah. takde la aku clubbing, shisha, seks rambang (?) plak kan, kau giler ke hape. btw, i know ur anatomy better than u do. so, korg pikir2 lah balek. haha.

cmni lah muke aku everytime aku nak study

kesian kat anak kau. bace buku smpai jadi cam ulat! hah!

jeles ngn kau! bak meh sikit!

yang ni takpe. the only exception!

dan jadilah mcm mereka! oh wow! cute nyaaa korang!

eh, ade meeting. this is college pathetic life. x yah masuk kolej wei. jadi socialite lagi best. huh.

sume2 pic tu, credit to google.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Bebelan hari Ahad

Okayyyy..seriously. i need a new wardrobe. spe2 yg bju sikit seciput tu bak meh la wardrobe korangggg!! wei, membazir space la. aku punya cm nk runtuh dah ni..

nasib baik lg 6 bulan je. after that dah kne halau. nasib baik ade tempat perlindungan..hehe
rumah baru!! yeay! ayah n mama dah beli kan ;) thanx! beliau cakap, nanti senang..dekat sikit. xyah ulang alik jauh2..hmmm betol2..wat perabih minyak kete je..ckp psal kete ni kan..rse nye dah ready. ok, boleh la rembat satu kete..ape2 kete je la ayah..xkesah punye =p setelah dikire2 tolak tambah darab bahagi..sudah tibe mse nye utk memikul tanggungjawab membayar duit kete, umh..
heh, nasib baik la aku nurse..xyah pening pale g keje nak pkai baju ape oke! just spend utk shoes, and handbag boleh la kot..hehe.. g pilih katil..omg! i loike la..besar giler..size king oke..(kat umh queen je) takde la plak aku nk tido sorg2...gler hape..katil besar tido sorg2..cuak dow..mst la tido ngn adik2. eh tak ramai pun, kami bertiga shj. ade bling2 weiii katil aku..cantik dow, nt da smpai next week, aku post. igt g usha je, skali mama ckp..beli skali la skg..senang! order sume siap, next week hantar..perghhh..skali ngn almari..haa besar gak..i loike! ekeleh murah je kot, kt cavenzi tu haa...aku xde la nk g ikea ke macy ke court mammoth ke hape..bosan dah dok balakong tu haa..lepak tmpt len plak. pergghhh. dah bosan ek? hahaha...

haihh. byk plak nk membebel kat sini..dah dah..esok sambung. nite2!!

ps: bosan kot entry ni kan, xde pics. but whatever. my blog, not yours! haha..

Saturday, December 18, 2010

That someone

I'm happy now. i know you always there but you are not here when i needed you the most. somebody has taken that place. and i really really like that somebody.

but we don't really have to put labels on it, aren't we?

hoi, dah la. jgn merepek.
tak nak. nak merepek jugak. i dun wanna be a realist. not just yet. i wanna be like this forever.

tadi kan kan..kite lepak (?) ngn Amir..hhaaa..ape plak lepak. cm pelik. nth. mungkin lebih dari itu. tgk muvie oke. tron! gak. tapi x byk warna bak kate Amir. boringggggggg...we mean dunia diorang la. bju satu pesen, tp ade putih (org baik), oren (geng jahat)..glow in the dark wehhh..tu yg plng teruja. oh besides that, diorg ade satu cam device ni..yg boleh tuka jd vehicle..

cool dow bnd nih! nak satu!

pas dia dah tarik bnd ni jd dua..tbe2..

tadaaaa!! motor yg sgt tough! i loike!

anyhooo..bfre that kami jejalan di sunway, usha dress dan bju..wahhhh, Amir pasni boleh la jd teman shopping! seriously i really like kot shopping ngn dia. maybe because he likes shopping too ;) teman dia beli bju jugak, kite yg choose..hehe..then terjumpa membe dia plak..mrk berborak-borak..lme xjmp..nth. then pas muvie, g mkn kat popeyes! i loike! tapi kite kn mkn lambat, ape nk wat..haihhhh..lopekkkkk. then balik la kot. penat siot. masing2 keje siang hari ni..haha..
then Amir ckp, kite byk mse lg..senang2 nanti boleh kuar lg..mkn eksrem ( oh, ini sy yg mahu)..kite berdua mmg selalu senang! haha..
syg, nanti nak beli jacket tu nk ikut! nak beli dress jugakkkkk =p

btw, thanx for everything.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Tak larat dah weii..

Waaaaa....mama..x nak da blaja. penat. ayah, belikan je la kete tu..tina stay kt umh bru eh eh..jd bibik ke..nak muntah dah blaja ni...

agak2 boleh la kot ckp cmni, memandangkan nk grad dahhhh..cisss, house final pown x start lg kau nk berangan kannnn..

bile kau nak start blaja betol2 ni tu kau buat soalan-soalan past year ngekkk...
eh tak kire ke tu? study gakk..ahhh aku nye definisi lain..kau lain.

btw, aku dgr house final cam lawak pun ade. cam game dow..hahaha..
gelak la gelak...kau try jawab. tak berpeluh jgn berkata-kata..
disebabkan house final la, aku rse penat study wehh..

house final house final house final house final house final house final house final!!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Perasan busy je

I am still trying to find a perfect planner or organizer as my days soon will be hectic ( i think)

so i'm writing it here. please do remind me.

1. 18.12.2010- Azzriza's bro wedding. must attend!!
2. 19.12.2010- My cute lil niece cukur jambul/ aqiqah kenduri
3. 25.12.2010- Swimming and work out @ Palace of the Golden Horses with BFF!!
4. 1.1.2011- Cash out day with BFF!!
5. 9.1.2011- Annual Dinner @ Subang Grand Dorsett
6. 15.1.2011- Sunway gateway!!

hey, where got busy. oh not to mention between those days i might wanna go outing with amir. but we haven't say any word about it. but pls pls pls, nak tgk tron!! hehe..gedik ah.

anyway, now its posting my working hours are from 8- 4pm. tireddddd ahhh..bile nak grad ni... T__T

did i mention tired just now? yep. wanna go and take nap now. enjoy your day!


Sunday, December 12, 2010


After a week, i'm ready. to write about it. since im not going to meet you again, so here goes..

its not easy.

i already knew when you asked me out for the second times, its not going to work. i know you got sister that is my age, i knew it just won't. i knew when you called me budak. i always knew. i knew it from the way you talked, walked and just about everything. i'm not that naive, I've dated guys i already knew when its not working..when you called me on my birthday.

but you know what is the saddest part?

me knowing it from someone else. it could be bitter if i heard it from yourself but go on, i swallow it anyway. now, i look like a fool. foolish. that's me.
should have known, but why am i doing it? just to see how far one can go. and recover. for me, the hardest part is, the kind of feelings you have. a mixture of anger, sad, relieved (not sure if i even felt it), disappointed.

i wish that phone call is the damn last one. i do not wish to see you. i hope i will not see you. i have thrown it all away.

be happy. as i couldn't wish more than that. i'm weary and you are long gone.

the end.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Keep it cool babe

Hello from not-so-friendly place. yep. college.

its a hectic week. college night which is the lamest thing ever happened to me since coming here. why? we can't bring a date. from outside. by other mean, you can't bring your bf/scandal/bff/gbf so whatever. you have to agree with me this time, if you ever consider yourself a human with feelings who fortunately live on earth. if not, errr..i guess you Martians? damn you!!

ape? tak puas hati? boo you martians

the event will be held at the college itself..duhhh..(it is college night anyway) and we will be doing perfomances..and exchanging of gift, since they will be celebrating xmas. they not me. note that. i never really like all this kinda thing you know. its not fun maybe because there are no guys (?) and bff? i have to say again, its lameeeeeeee..pls do something about it k.

i was thinking (again) to go for ice skating. maybe amir can help me with it. he's very good with skateboard. hey, skating and skateboarding is almost the same. its all about, just when are we gonna do that? we will be going to our annual dinner, sunway gateaway..bla bla bla.. isn't it cool? should be fun. should create smiles and laugh.

wah, ramainya orang!! sume nmpk cam semut aje..hehe

oh oh, and i kinda want to buy this books..

why am i reading tony parsons anyway? i like star wars and barbie perhaps? haha..its totally different from other novels i read before. Parson's story is from a guy point of view.. from a husband, dad, ex-husband...etc. its so fun to read. well, as for now it seems...

as for Kinsella's..its a part of my life. shopping. can't avoid it though.. ;)

that's all for now, nites peeps!!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Demi Lovato- don't forget

weiiii..asal aku asyik nyanyi lagu demi lovato? dari tadi, don't forget..don't forget..tulahhhh bila orang dah asyik forget, lagu don't forget memang sesuai..awwww
hehe..g la search youtube sendiri, malas plak aku nak paste-paste link kat sini..
nah, demi lovato- don't forget.

anyway, thanx to azza..pasal ko la weii aku asyik nyanyi demi nye lagu..hehe

sorryy..dude. aku ngn disney mmg xboleh dipisahkan. even for 40 years. hah!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

About someone

Hye hye peeps!

aku happy. korang happy tak? haa..tak happy? takpe happy la untuk aku oke..
tulahh, bile aku happy kau tak happy. bile aku emo..mmg cm pffttt..dah dah..jangan spoil mood aku, sekeh kang!

aku happy sebab aku tak stay kat hostel yg obviously membosankan, terutama pada hari2 cuti macam ni..da la cafe tutup, nak makan ape pown tak taw..cissss (ni act part plng bengang)

tapi tapi nasib baik ade dia..introducing Amir Izwan! yeay!!

dia tgh syok layan game kt ipod touch tuhh =p

well, dalam banyak2 aktiviti (even tak byk sgt lahh kann..) aku paling suka when we went to mph and read books!! haa...i read novels which i can't remember the author name, but i certainly remember the title, Man and Wife ;) while Amir bace about Jet and Fighters..boysss..ape nak buat kan kan..hehe..
lahhh asal dalam byk2 tempat kau lepak kat mph weiii.. movie start lambat lagi, so..pergi baca buku lagi ada byk pekdah taw takkkk..heh *muke skema*

oke la, until now..mana boleh cite episode ahhh.. =p

*yela dia best friend aku and something between that*

Salam Maal Hijrah


Semoga tahun ini lebih baik baik dan baik dari yang sebelumnya..
ada banyak lagi kekurangan yang perlu diperbaiki ye..

Monday, December 6, 2010

Lee Seung Gi- Words that are hard to say

That toulon dude gave me this,

so that i can smile 24 times/day? i don't know alright. he said just 24 is enough. i smiled 22 times today. then something happened that made that smile stop. just something.

ape daa..and he asked rara to make me smile again. heh..

i need to comment a few things though he said "jangan memilih sangat, just take what i give you"

1. mane plak aku membe ngan gengster weii..
2. aku emo. yes. tapi tak baling kerusi, meja ok..haha
3. awek tu comel en, cam aku..haaa (compliment is needed)
4. mamat tu (lee seung gi) cam kau dow..nerd abis! haha..
5. sume2 yang diorang actually buat tu we kinda did before lahh, except for snooker! not yet! haha..sangat suka! (easily excited over small things)

but you noe me well, so you know i liked it. this korean thingy..i think i cried. i hate you, aren't you suppose to make me smile? duhhhh..

it reminds of high school, way back then..

thanx Zainur Fareezal.. you have just completed my 24/day smiling actions!

nak dengar lagi lahhh..pergi main jauh2...syooo syoo..

oh oh, i posted it here so that i can remember.. you know, i got this thing called memori ikan emas :(and and, dis guy is my possible bf if you can see on my right side of blog..hehe

tulah, tak tahu ape tu? kan aku dah cakap, pergi la baca buku berilmiah sikit..or just Google!

ha macam ni, macam ni!! tapi rambut aku x panjang wehh =p

This is how i feel today

Ade orang cakap aku ni pelik. skala kepelikan dari 0-10 i'm at 7. maybe because of this..
aku APATHY weii...ha? ape kebende apathy tu? korang ni, asyik bace komik je..cube la bce yg berilmiah sikit..wahahhaa..takde dow, aku kalau tak study psycho pun aku tak, aku study psychology, ade dalam syllabus..aihhh ape nk buat kan..nak tak nak kene amik tahu gak..

so here it is

apathy -absence or suppression of passion, emotion, or excitement.
-lack of interest in or concern for things that others findmoving or exciting.

exactly like me now
note: this only applies when i am not certain about something. most of the times the scale goes down. heh

have a good day!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Missed connections

when the phone rings, it stops the minute you pick it up
the lift doors closes right before you can press the button
the traffic light turns red right before your turn
you run out of the most important ingredient for the recipe
an emergency happens right before you go on-leave
the client cancel on you right after you arrive at the door steps
you can't find your car keys when your rushing for a very important meeting
your boyfriend breaks up with you right before your birthday

missed connections are there to remind us of life's fragility

Friday, December 3, 2010

Setelah sekian

Selamat bertemu kembali!! takde intro panjang sgt.aku tak tulis sebab aku malas. itu saje. senangkan hidup? aku fine aje, aku bahagia, gembira, ketawa dan senyum selalu. aku tak snap banyak gambar pun kali ni, yela macam aku cakap tadi, aku malas. takde pulak reaction muka aku yang fine, bahagia, gembira, ketawa dan senyum nak post pulak kat sini kn..haihhh selalu diorang suke snap time aku makan, comel katenye..bengong ke hape..jangan percaya itu semua tipu, aku makan macam gergasi sudaaa...teettt

haa, mcm ni la..makan je

okay, gagal untuk menyembunyi kan sesuatu adalah kelemahan aku. aku tak fine. aku sakit wey, aku tak bahagia macam kau, aku tak gembira selalu macam kau, hilang gelak ketawa dan senyuman..kalau aku senyum tu pun nampak tipu.


aku sedih. kau tak tahu.
aku tak suka pulak nak jaja cerita aku kat orang ramai, publisiti murahan.
aku nak kau tanya, tapi kau bukan selalu ada disini.

aku tak bahagia dan gembira sekarang. sebab apa? kau tak nak tanya. cuba tanya, nescaya aku jawab dengan jujur. tapi kau mesti tahu, aku paling gembira apabila bersama dengan keluarga dan rakan- rakan juga bila ada orang belanja aku aiskrim dan waffle..bertambah kegembiraan aku..tak kisahlah makanan tu menggemukkan ke ape, yang penting aku gembira kan? bab ni kalau x percaya boleh tanya rakan- rakan aku la..ingat aku nak gebang ke ape..

jarang ketawa menghilai dan gedik yang selalu kau dengar itu wujud sekarang. memang la, satu hal kau takde untuk mendengarkan nya (jika ia berlaku), lagi satu tiada apa yang paling kelakar untuk digelakkan dengan ikhlas.


aku tak tahu mana kau. apa kau buat sekarang. cisss, kalau ada pintu sesuka hati doraemon tu dah lama aku set nak jumpa kau sekarang jugak, boleh? ada ke jumpa orang tengah malam buta, tak senonoh dipandang jiran tetangga ye adik- adik...ish ish ish..siang esok je la kau jumpa..
tapi disebabkan aku stalker terhebat yang kau pernah ada, aku nak peep je la, jenguk- jenguk sikit..tengok kau sihat ke tak, kau sakit ke apa..then aku balik rumah aku..lega la kalau kau sihat.

aku sibuk, kau sibuk. masa memang jeles dengan kita.

lately ni, baru la aku dapat berangan dengan sempurna..kau tahu, aku punya sibuk sampai nak berangan pun tak de mase..patut la orang tua cakap berangan ni takde pekdah dan membuang mase..sebab kalau kau ade mase (sibuk sangat), eh kau takde mase la nak berangan -angan ni..memanjang dengan bb, asyik reply komen kt fb..haa tak sibuk kau kate..

mate sepet cam aku..boleh la.
aku takde bb, tapi pic kt atas ni memang aku selalu buat la..

aku berangan pasal doraemon, nak helicopter dia la, mesin masa la, pintu sesuka hati la..haihhh..padan la doraemon tu hanya dicipta kan sebagai watak komik, kalau real..habis la dunia ni...

laahhh..da terpesong aku ni. ape plak cite pasal doraemon. aku nak cite pasal perasaan aku.

btw, aku tak tahu apa dah jadi kat aku, pasal apa aku cerita pasal kau. dan ini semua.
aku selalu berpegang pada ini
" time will heal everything, if he doesn't appear sooner or later it will just fades away"
tak tahu plak sape nye quote ni..aku pikir sendiri kot..cuba kau pikir jap.

in the mean time, aku nak tidur..mata dah rabak ni..berjaga je keje (sibuk kan)
nites people!

best kan macam ni