Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Kisah kawan baik dan memori kami

Chinese New Year 2010 :)

Abang saya kawen pown dia dtg, sweet kan?

Saya sayang Rara!

ra, thanx sebab tinggalkan aku. ehhh, ni bukan post nk marah2 kau. takkk. no way! ni ikhlas dari lubuk hati aku. cewahhh!

tadi mase aku drive, yela drive sorang2 kan..tibe2 aku teringat.

teringat masa kite slalu g kelas same2 ngn kete kebal tuh.
teringat masa kite bangun lambat, then rushing g kelas.
teringat masa masuk kelas even dah lambat, wat muke innocent (ok. muke aku dah gelabah time tu).
teringat time pas abs kelas otw balik umah, lalu kt federal..kan ade jaspal punye iklan. kau slalu ckp, "ti, cube kau tgk..hot kan?" "hot dow, laki tu..pergghh nk kiss ke tak ni?" *merujuk kepada billboard tu lahh*
teringat kite slalu melalak lagu bruno mars.."today i don't feel like doing anything.." pastu kau lesap g dating..eh meeting. byk la lazy song kau! hahahaha..
teringat masa masak same2..eh ke kau je yg masak? hahahaa..inti karipap terlebih masin..tapi makan jgk..

paling teringat masa aku merajuk gile babun ngn kau, tak bercakap. tapi kejutkan kau jgk. wat breakfast for two jugak. still masih malas drive. tak bercakap dalam kete. hanya pandang ke luar tingkap (dah la time tu jem) sunyi sepi kete time tu. masuk kelas duduk asing2. tp depan belakang je pown. sume membe kite hairan garu kepala nape kite senyap je. sampai2 kelas terus study kauuu! terkejut mak nokkk! tapi along the class, ktorg dah oke. slowly la ice nk cair. wat2 muke toya tu dah biase. kau ingat tak?

ape daaa membebel. eh helo, ni luahan perasaan oke. rindu.

thanx sebab tak stay longer. kalau kau stay longer, mesti aku ni nk berkepit je ngn kau. sume bnd pown, "ala rara kan ade, oke punye..dont worry ehh.." mesti sampai skg aku malas yg teramat nk drive, manja ngn kau lebih2..padahal reti je. hehehe :)

yes, i tend to be clingy. i hang around you like its nobody business. ok tak la sampai cmtu. melampau lak aiii..that's why, long distance thingy is not for me. nanti hari2 aku meruntun hiba. kalau kau nk stay, stay here with me forever. cewahhhh! haru la kau ni tina! puuiihhhhh!

haha, i love you Siti Maheeran! muah muah!

berbuke same2 last year kot :)

Sunday, August 7, 2011


Assalammualaikum, readers!

aku nak tnye korg pernah tak kuar dating, then korg rse berdebar2 jantung cm nk terkeluar, segala hati, perut, limpa nak terjatuh? tbe2, korg flushed, tgn berpeluh- peluh dan jd clumsy (kalau kau mmg clumsy tu bertambah-tambah clumsy la)

ye. aku pernah.
byk kali dgn lelaki yg sama.

i mean kalau first time, kire logik la kan? ni everytime kuar kot, aku rse cm nervous gile. tapi, pasai pa pown aku xtaw.

lelaki tu, xde la hot cm aaron aziz ke remy ishak ke ape..dia biase2 je. normal kinda guy. dia just nice. and moderate.

so aku pown tnye la kat membe aku psal feeling ni. dia ckp itu adalah emotion reflection. waahhh. jap. aku tak paham. explain sket.

cmni, bile kau suke kat seseorang as in crush ke temporary feelings ke ape..sure lah kau akan berdebar2, tgn berpeluh-peluh, semua jd kelam kabut. or maybe kau just akan rse berdebar2 sgtttt, tak gitu? actually, dia pown mengalami perasaan yg sme. strong sgtt emotion wave dia ter-reflect kt kau. dan kau pown mendapat 2 kali ganda emotion tu.

tapi kalau dah byk kali kau cmtu, aku rse korg mmg syok la. tapi, tiada sesiapa yg berani berkata-kata. tiada siapa tahu mengapa tidak berani bersuara.

haaa, cmtu lah dia bgtaw aku. dia kate ade bce buku about it. aku nk kne cari la buku tu. nt kalau jmp, aku explain more and more.

ps: ngn lelaki tu je aku rse cmtu, ngn lelaki lain tak.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

3 things

Hai..ngh busy ni *lap2 sesawang, berhabuk!*
haa oke2.. 0_O

berkilat dah oiii.

setelah membaca/terbaca beberapa entry dari pelbagai blog lain, tbe2 aku rasa nk tulis jgk. bukan aku tak nak tulis bfre this, tapi rasa cm tak perlu. tapi entry kali ini aku rase perlu. *ekeleh, perlu sgt ke?*

ekeleh, bace la dulu..cmni..

dalam beberapa bulan yg lepas, which aku tak ingat la. aku ade kuar ngn sorang guy ni. dia classmate aku time skola dulu. actually, relationship ktorg mmg cm anjing ngn kucing. selalu bergaduh, tak same kepala, ade je point nk kenekan each other. tapi dia ade ajak aku kuar, most of the time aku tolak. sebab aku tak minat. *tapi aku tolak cre berhemah la* time tu mmg busy ngn exam bagai..so aku mmg tak kuar sgt. then tak taw cmne, tergerak plak nk kuar ngn dia. so set time sume. yela aku kan gatal. oke. maybe aku sje nk try. tgk cmne. besides ktorg dah kenal lme sgtttt. so xde pape la kan.

disebabkan rumah ktorg dekat, aku pown amk la dia. dan mmg aku tak naik moto sbb aku takut tahap gaban. dia tak kesa. ktorg g mne ek? haaa..sunway. lahh, aku mmg suke g sunway. so aku mmg happy la..tapi dia. dia tbe2 jd pelik. dia jd gentleman. wtf? bukan aku tak suke. tp aku terkejut. sebelum tu aku ade ckp kt dia, aku nk beli handbag sbb well..handbag yg aku pkai tu cm dah tak cantek. bile aku dah jmp, aku tros beli la *stok tak pikir pnjg punye, suke rembat* then tbe2..dia bawak kan bag tu utk aku. wtf 2? tbe2 dia ckp baik2 ngn aku. oke. pelik. sbb mne ktorg pnh ckp elok2. kalau tak jerit kt each other mmg tak sah.

aku bertambah pelik. plus dah start rimas ni.

then pastu, ktorg terus blk. sbb aku dah rse tak selesa dah ni. then ade la dlm seminggu dia try call aku. mmg aku angkat tp borak2 kejap je. nth. aku rse tak selesa. so aku tak suke.

pastu bru aku taw, ape perasan bile kuar ngn perasan cmtu. bukan tak suke totally, just tak selesa dan rimas. sbb ianye berlaku secara tbe2. kau bayangkan la, dulu time skola ari2 ktorg bergaduh, tp bile kuar jd lain plak. aku takut la.

point dia kt sini. tibe2. tibe2 jd baik, tbe jd cool. tbe2 jd gentleman. tbe2 aku jd takut. sbb ianye secara tbe2. dan slalu perkara yg tbe2 ni tak kekal. kalau kekal jd chronic. cm acute (tbe2) then kalau dibiarkan jd chronic. so aku dah tuka dia jd neutral blk.

dia mmg confident habis ble kuar ngn aku. maybe sbb dia rse dia continue degree ape bagai sume, ble keje dpt yg best, gaji pown masyuk nt kan..tp oh tidakkkk! aku tak terusik ngn itu semua. sbb satu. kalau aku tak selesa ngn kau, means its not gonna work.

oh lelaki, jgn kau ingat kau berduit, keje bgus, blaja smpai phd kau boleh dapat sume yg kau nak. including pompuan. tu sume bonus. tapi kau mmg bengap2, lembs dan tak memahami. so cmne? will it work with just your fucking money and title? nth. tp aku rse tak. kalau awek kau materialistik tu maybe la. oh and a gold digger. maybe, maybe.

aku slalu percaya, the best relationship will happen when you and your partner achieve this 3:
1. mutual understanding
2. mutual trust
3. mutual respect

"how can we be together forever if you don't understand me, and i don't understand you. when we don't understand each other, how can we trust each other and by that time, i don't think any of us will respect each other anymore."

i just want to be with the person with a common sense, please.


Monday, June 13, 2011

5 things i did

I am sorry i ditched you. okay. that's harsh. again. i am sorry i abandoned you. its not your fault. its mine. totally mine. but i missed you. so i'm going to tell the craps that i've been doing for the past few weeks.

gonna do this in point form.

1. i am busy planning my future. yep. im graduating, gonna take the Nursing Board Examination this Wednesday. but, i've got contract so why do i still need to plan. what? i planned after my 5 years contract. yup, i knw. im optimistic. in this kinda way.

2. i'm in vain mode. what the? yeah. i do constantly compliments myself. i like my feature. my lips, my lower lip actually. my eyes. my chin. my boobs. my hips. my hair. listen. don't you ever hear people say, "you got to love yourself, before you want somebody else love you" or "love yourself, then you find somebody admiring you". call me whatever you want, but if somebody to compliment on your boobs, or practically anything about you there's only two meaning- 1. they feel superb jealous of yourself. 2. they secretly want to destroy you. enuff said.

3. im sky-ping-pong. okay. skype-ing. not just with you. i do it with my other frens too. and telling them basically my day, my probs. and gossiping. but i do it mostly with you. i often told you this bunch of my problems, i forgot to ask yours. i'm sorry.

4. i am busy daydreaming. Zzzzz..to go to an island and swim in the deep blue sea..and hopefully don't get sunburns. yikes !

5. this got to be the dumbest thing i've ever done since graduating high school. re-establishing a relationship that i know was worthless. why? seriously. okay. because there's so much memories that i don't want to let go. and yes, it's been in my sleep. pathetic. it took weeks after weeks until i've come to realization that he's not worthed. i really liked him, but it was long gone. and i threw the memories to the open sea.

i tink that's the most i did when you and i were separated for awhile. well, besides than studying and cleaning the house..pretty much yeahh..

okay. im gonna go STUDY ! seeya!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

If you could see my hair right now. super duper messy. akibat dari input yg diterima pd hari ini dr pukul 9-5. i was so restless, everytime. and keep thinking about the breaks. and i wanted to pee. it was really cold. i'm sure its -ve something. haha. but really.

and we ate the candy, too much i tink im goin to get a diabetes soon. urgghhhh. but it was so tiring and cold and boring. but overall, the food was awesome! there's breakfast, tea @ 11 am, then lunch @ 1 pm. omg. see the time. and we still ate. rezeki jgn ditolak weii..kenyang giler.

btw, i attend this talk. nk cri tempat tu dah la payah. sesat. last2 naik teksi, itu pun lepas dah berpeluh-peluh. jauh kot ampang park ngn holiday villa. agak ah. long story. actually dekat je pown. salah direction.

jap g nk lepak ngn cha lg. mkn lg. oke. xyh la. minum je sudah.

Saturday, April 23, 2011


OMG! best gak tinggal berdua je. x leh blah, balik umh sebab nk gune mesin basuh je. takde duit nk beli token kt sini (ye, mesin basuh kt kolej gune token rm 3). and ofkos, malas gile babs nk bsh tngn and and watpe nk membazir. gune kan je kemudahan yg ade :P

ohhh, before that g beli mee goreng and burger. sedap gak. not bad. share ah. aku dah pokai kot. then rara g explore dapur, tetibe.. "ti, sweet giler parents kau!!" lahhh. kau apesal plak? yela. parents aku mmg sweet dow. aku cm speechless. actually dapur tu mmg lengkap giler. tinggal nk bwk periuk belanga je. tu yg rara terharu tuuuu..dan excited. tak sabar nk masak. hahahaha!!

then nth la! cm best giler. borak2. pasal kawen, bf dan persiapan perkahwinan!! wahhhh! aku plak yg excited. padahal yg nk kawen sape. lol. ok tina, sila bwk bersabar. anda bukan sekarang. byk lg giler aku nk achieve! hahhaaaa!!

so conclusion nye. aku tak sabar tak sabar tak sabar!! cepat lah abs bulan 4.

Friday, April 22, 2011


hey peeps!

ni entry syok berdua-duaan je ye. len xyah la sebok. errrr..

halamak! x sabar dow nk ber-housemate! da la ngn best friend! gegar weh rumah tu. sehari x jerit sesame x sah. jap! tu bukan jerit. tu mmg cre kami berkomunikasi dgn lebih efektif. ade satu hari aku dok ckp slow ah, lemah-lembut..skali rara " ape ti?? x dgr lah! "

"ape masalah kau? aku ckp kuat kau kate aku jerit, ni aku ckp bebaik,kau x dgr..ey kau ni "
so terpakse la ulang suare. ceh, cam PA system.

yang penting kau masak. len kasi aku setel. wah, kau kan chef aku. yela, fine ajar la aku msk skali. aku teringin nk masak yg susah2 skit. western reti la nokkkkkk! hahahaaa!! poyo. asam pedas tu penting, kang dia blk nk rse. nt aku fail dow!

yg plng excited nk angkut periuk belanga dan sgl bawang, kentang, garam, gula, nth ape lg. pastu nk wat house party! eh, silap. house warming! ni lg syok. rara nk msk cm kenduri. seyes. aku dgr cm penat. tapi rara suke so, oke la kot. dgn rela hati aku izinkan. mama pown x taw nk ckp ape dahhh...gasak korg la. yes yes yes!!

oh bahagia weh. chop! asal kau ckp cm pengantin baru? yeke? mne ade! aku cm happy tp sedih kot. ambivalent weh. yela. dia stay ngn aku smpai june. tu termasuk waktu dating ah tu. huhu~ nasib baik housemate, at least dpt la tgk muke kau, gado ngn kau, merajuk ngn kau, main masak2 sume..hahaha

well, at least aku x yah la nk terperap dlm hostel ni je. boleh la jmp jiran2 lain. borak ngn acik depan, beli jajan kt umh sebelah ke..tetibe rindu dok umh flat. sebab jejiran kt umh aku skg cm, oke. aku xde jiran sgt la. org yg aktif bersosial hanya ayah dan adik shj. membe aku mmg jauh skit la. cm umh dia down the hill..and ade yg kt tmn lain. so cm blk layan astro lg best! nasib baik aku oke je tgk siaran ulangan *smpai hafal skrip* bile diorg cuti2 uni, boleh la meronggeng.

ermmmm, so skg ni tunggu ah smpai abs bulan 4.

mood: tak sabar! :)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Yg ni post semalam. tulis arini sebab, semalam penat. tak larat. dan mengantuk giler2.

so tulis skg ah. tp cite semalam punye.

we can finally see each other in the eyes, and smile! omg! like seriously happy giler. ok. at least i'm happy. maybe kite sorg je yg happy? hehe~

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Post penghargaan

So ade org tnye aku, pesal aku wat blog. dah la xde org komen nk wat gak. haha. senang dow. first, suke ati lah! second, i guess i'm a sentimental person kot.

mama asyik soh kemas almari yg kt kolej ni, dan segala bnd lah. *almari kt umh pown cm tongkang pecah*. bukak2 je almari, pkr2..nk buang ape. xde bnd nk buang. more to tak boleh buang. even baju tu cm x kene ngn style skg. susah dow nk buang bnd x pkai ni. sume cm pkai. tp kdg2 rse semak nk buang pastu pkr 100 kali, xjd buang. agak lme utk aku membuang brg. cm bnd comel2 lg lah aku tak buang, even x taw function bnd tu, aku simpan gak. mmg penyimpan aku ni. heh.

ouh, one more thing. i just want to say thank you ayah!

ayah, thanx for everything. kan dah ade kete. xyh la beli baru lg. pkai je yg lme.
ayah, thanx for slalu check kan engine kete. nk harap tina mmg lah tak. taw start kete, hit the pedal. tu je. tp skg dah taw! yeay!
ayah, thanx for byk2 bersabar. sbb ade ank yg degil, xdgr ckp, suke melawan (igt terer sgt)
lagi lagi
ayah thanx sbb subscribe kan channel 710, 711. bermakne skit. sbb ade glee kt star world. heh.
ayah, thanx sbb byk bg nasihat utk anak gadis yg bwk kete sorg2. huhu..dah la malam plak tu.
ayah thanx sbb you never disappointed me!

see, i want to marry a guy just like my dad! and for mama, thanx for the full tank, again. cm taw2 je aku xde duit nk isi minyak. heh.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Good luck for your games! have fun! try not to break or sprain anything. We both been busy, but its ok. we'll find some time. right? right? ok. maybe not. heh. T____T

Sunday, April 10, 2011


hello peeps. first thing first. skype not responding. heh. :(

bru lepas blk supper wif belinda, my roomate and one of my bestie. yup. if she can live wif me for 3 years, consider that awesome.

right now, i miss you. but i'm sure your not. kan kan?

so wassup? takde pape. just thought nk kuar mkn ngn rara and waited for her in her room and fell asleep. -__- she came back from work and i well...told her i'm hungry since i didn't had my lunch and dinner yet. just had a hotdog bun and a nescafe mocha. it already digested. anyhoo, she asked me to come with her and have supper or something..then i asked, "dgn sape?" she said, " spe lg?"
"oh, ur bf..". "ti, faster get ready, he's on his way.."

ok. i'm gettin ready. to be honest, i just want to spend my supper wif rara. not me, rara and her bf. then thank God, my rooomie's back. so i told rara.."ra, i'm sorry. tak nak kacau kau ngn bf. aku g ngn belle, see u at work tmrw.." then, of course.rara would say..its okay..bla bla bla..tp its me. aku tak biasa la weh..like segan giler..so its okay. maybe next time.

i'm okay with it. come on, ur my best friend. i'm happy for you. tapi, next time..girls day out.no boyfie. or even boys.

ps: sometimes i'm a person who enjoy table for two. no more threesome.

Whole lot things

There's really a lot of things a i wanna write. but there's you and rara so yeah, xyh la tulis2 sgt. skype kan ade. aha!

thank you ayah, mama! kereta. full tank! i loike! eh, i love! oke. setelah merajuk, menjerit, meluahkan ketidakpuasaan, explain bnd yg sme berulang kali, merajuk semula, letak, campak, tidak layan panggilan telefon. huh! eh, bukan psal full tank or not. tp pasal kereta di ambil alih oleh saya, maka di bwh pengawasan saya. ayah risau. konon. ayah, i'm 21. esok nk kawen dah! bak la kereta kebal tuh. tak ckp pown cmni. actually, xyh ckp. diam dan mogok.heh. jgn contohi perangai ni. ni anak gedik. mengade2. bajet bongsu.

ayah, jgn la risau. i can take care. i got rara. it's ok. i'll be fine. walaupun selalu giler merajuk ngn rara. ehemm ade la sebab2 merajuk tuh. selalu nye, ditinggalkan.huhuu..sedihhhhhhhhh. dan takut. last time kne tinggal, ade org nk fly. like omg, why is everyone leaving? yes. dude, i cried my lungs out.

dude, i am very happy. but scared. it will be when i'm graduating, i'm sitting for my final, when you come back and when rara's wedding. you come back and fly again. again? i really don't know what to say later, what to feel, what to do. i do awkward things. i'm scared.

you are by far, the most coolest dude i've ever met. i'm lucky am i? ok. perasan. haha.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Adam Young & Taylor Swift- Enchanted

They are so cute together! its Adam and Taylor! oh btw, he is the Owl City guy. yea, u know that songs..Vanilla twilight, and Hot air balloon. and everybody know who is Taylor Swift right? Can you believed it? he wrote a song for her! like a replied to her song- Enchanted. its awesome.

Taylor Swift and Adam Young

The letter that Adam Young wrote to Taylor!!

Enchanted by Adam Young (a reply to Taylor's song- Enchanted)

There I was again tonight forcing laughter, faking smiles
Same old tired, lonely place
Walls of insincerity
Shifting eyes and vacancy vanished when I saw your face
All I can say is it was enchanting to meet you

Your eyes whispered “have we met?”
Across the room your silhouette starts to make it’s way to me
The playful conversation starts
Counter all your quick remarks like passing notes in secrecy
All I can say is it was enchanting to meet you
Oh Taylor I was so enchanted to meet you too

This night is sparkling, don’t you let it go
I’m wonderstruck, blushing all the way home
I’ll spend forever wondering if you knew
I was enchanted to meet you too

The lingering question kept me up
2AM, who do you love?
I wondered till I’m wide awake
Now I’m pacing back and forth, wishing you were at my door
I’d open up and you would say,
Hey it was enchanting to meet you
Oh Taylor I was so enchanted to meet you too

This night is sparkling, don’t you let it go
I’m wonderstruck, blushing all the way home
I’ll spend forever wondering if you knew
I was enchanted to meet you too

This is me praying that this was the very first page
Not where the story line ends
My thoughts will echo your name until I see you again
These are the words I held back as I was leaving too soon
I was enchanted to meet you too

Please don’t be in love with someone else
Please don’t have somebody waiting on you
Please don’t be in love with someone else
Please don’t have somebody waiting on you

This night is sparkling, don’t you let it go
I’m wonderstruck, blushing all the way home
I’ll spend forever wondering if you knew

This night is flawless, don’t you let it go
I’m wonderstruck, dancing around all alone
Taylor I’ll spend my whole life wondering if you knew
I was enchanted to meet you too

I was never in love with someone else
I never had somebody waiting on me
‘Cause you were all of my dreams come true
And I just wish you knew
Taylor I was so in love with you.

Parallel lines and the other lines

Sometimes i just wish we're like parallel lines. not the thing that we have in common. its that we never met, even though we are walking on the same path.

but somehow we're like that every other pair of lines, we met once and then drifts apart, forever.

and i think that is really sad, because every other time..i do think of you, and everything else in between. i don't know what am i suppose to feel.

but it's funny, sometimes in my dream..or i thought that you would text me, "i missed you". but it never happened, forever. i want to do that too, but i can't. i'm afraid.

it felt so weird that we always meet and i thought we could have the conversation we used to, but then again it stop me.

i could never look at you in the eye again. i am so sorry.

Monday, April 4, 2011

I didn't talk to u . but i wished, u would have talk to me.
Now we are strangers.

Friday, April 1, 2011


too tired to write.

too sleepy to think. until next morning.

too happy to have a plotting or blair waldorfing.

too confuse to care about you.

really. im confused. so i've decided to just let it be. whatever happened for a reason.

you happy with your life. and i have friends to make my day better.

so me no worries.

i really hope you'll be happy. eventhough i always have my best memories with you.

it's okay. we're moving on.

Thursday, March 24, 2011


I don't know if you still mad at me. or really hate me. i don't know.

but why does it seem that everything i wanna do, it almost included you?
for the past 2 days, i have watched some interesting movie trailers. okay. then without my conscious, i said "okay, nak tgk movie ni dgn _________". tapi tibe2 en, "eh dah tak kawan, mane boleh ajak tgk wayang". same goes to when i wanted to buy something, "rse cm nk beli gak lah utk _______" but then again, "eh, mne boleh.."

so cmtu lah. i guess i just have to get use to it. sometimes when rara said something then tibe2 aku ter-reply plak "ouh..dia pun suke gak, or ade..."
pastu cam "asal lak aku ckp psal dia ek, sengal lahh.."

you see. often we spend our time with someone for a certain period of time, then suddenly a crisis happened and we both keeping a distance from each other. first, we thought..its okay..will be alright soon. then, after days and weeks when you were alone and suddenly thought of that person. that's when maybe all the memories came back. then again, ego will try to stop and things will be back to normal.

yes. eventhough im busy with my college life, everytime i paused the memories came rushing through. what should i do now?

no. i don't want it to end like this.

i hope so too

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Sehari harian

Nak tgk suju tak dpt. bruno mars tak dpt. bieber jgn haraplah. oke. maroon 5?
bukan tak nak tapi, dah pokai. nasib baik aku mkn free. kalau kne byr, kurus dah aku. size 0 weh. boleh join ANTM. eh silap, MNTM.

dah la takde duit. nasib baik ayah kasi every week. ;) boleh la survive skit2. tapi, byk bnd kne byr sbnrnye, for example, duit kelas, duit coupon food fun fair etc. dah la coupon tu 2. 2 book. aaaaa, lebih kurang lah. so, nak tak nak kne la byr. aku lg byk spend duit utk kolej ni dr diri aku sndri weh. rse nye kne gune khidmat AKPK lah..susah gak nk uruskan kewangan ni. math kau dah la lembsss tina oi! hahahhaa..cne kau boleh dpt A? nway, spm kot. dan ye, aku bukan bdk account. so logik r..kan kan??

weh bedah!
asal kau 'in a relationship'? ngn sape? asal aku xtaw?
huh? kejadah?
ini satu trick kot weh. utk mengelakkan..well you know what lah kan..
aku kan single n ready to mingle.
ahhh, aku x cye kau ni.
xcye sudahhhh!
kau takde pakwe? xcye aku!
ye, bedah. kwn kau xde pakwe kot.
-____- '''

heh. bpe kali aku nk terangkan ni. ye. kau stalker aku kt blog ni haa. tp tp, dia best friend aku kot. tolong lah percaya. haihhhh, nt dia blk kau tnye lah! byk bising plak. hahahhaa...

oh kau nak taw tak?
haritu kan kan, aku plan mcm2 utk future aku. nk continue post basic lah, degree lahh..smbg contract lahh..mcm2 lahh..so time aku plan2 tu, tbe2 cm terlintas plak. bile nk kawen kalau cmni? (pergghhh, pikir psal kawen dah kau, beso dah!) ekeleh, gadis normal cm aku mmg la. kau tu lain la, cantik, pandai. sekali petik je wei (nth2 xyah petik pown). buat itu ini itu dan mcm2 lg, dah late 20's. kire cm nk 30 dah la. gulp! kalau aku sebok nk cri duit dan kumpul sijil serta merantau, alamatnye bedah, tak kawen lah aku! tapi, tibe2 rara ckp.."along the way ade lah tu..yg kau nk cri watpe.." eh, betul lah kot. :p

kau sengal lah Tina. patut la Zainur pnggl kau noob -___- ''' haihhhh..
ergghhh, ape noob noob??!!
siap lah mamat tu! hahahhaa..

dan td tbe2 aku menangis wei. aku takut. tbe2 aku terpikir (byk bepikir betul lah bdk ni, pastu nangis). nth cmne aku boleh terpikir, mst ade hikmah aku jd nurse kan wei. sepatutnye, org degil dan noob cm aku xleh jd nurse. pastu aku terpikir (again) byk bnd aku blaja semenjak aku jd nurse, well at least aku taw ubat2 ni. dan juga family aku sgt lah health conscious, so aku tak risau sgt..bpk aku terer wei gune glucometer tu haa, prick sndri kt umh. (tp aku pantau buku dia) so far, undercontrol. sume sihat sejahtera. alhamdulillah..

dah la kau ciwek! nangis je keje. sume nk nangis. tgk 127 hours nk nangis, tgk code blue kt tv nangis. ape lg yg kau nak nangis? terharu then aku nangis ahh..sedih kot weh code blue tu. aku kalau pasal bpk ngn anak ni aku tacing beb. aku dah la slalu degil, tak dgr ckp, degil, suke buat sesuka hati dan sesedap rse, merajuk plng lme kat umh..haha..rina pown pening ngn aku~

ni haaa, membebel je keje. pergi tido lah! orait bosss! nyte!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Long post

Its a short weekend. why? well..as you r reading this, i'm already at my college. probably attending meeting. if not. well...skype? maybe..reading notes. or else..zzzzzz.

anyway. even though its a short one. i learn a lot and do the thinking.

firstly, human are definitely not the same. maybe i misjudge. or being judgmental. call it whatever you want. i said this because, i often posted somethings for my friends, either good or not so good (won't say bad though). for example, i often write a post about my friend in France. either i miss him, or simply because i miss him (again). or just wanna tell him about my chaotic life. yes, i do tell him by writing because sometimes writing is way much easier than telling. maybe we both kinda bz and if i talked, i probably forgot what i'm talking about. so if i wrote, i could just re-read. anyhoo, my point is. you can't get upset (way over upset) about what i'm writing. especially if i didn't maki you, can't say i did. it is wrong. and i don't understand why are you being so upset when i already said "i'm sorry"? for my France dude. thanx for giving me a definite answer for my question. no dude, its not you. but rather a guy whom i ought to know. but somehow, i couldn't recognize him anymore.

secondly, i hate living alone. i just don't understand my dad. why can't i go live nicely in balakong? oh, wait. its quite far. so my dad bought a house (just a flat) for me to live and near to my workplace. okay. thank you daddy. appreciate it. living alone is scary. but my dad said, i can't be too dependent on people. its time for you to stand on your feet. stop being clingy. and everything. oh well, just want you to know dad, i'm the-more-the merrier kind of girl.

thirdly, i miss you. and i love our friendship. i love it so much sometimes i'm afraid i might lose it. well, you know i might say something unintentionally and next thing i know, you don't talk to me or even skype or ym me anymore. then i'll be more than just a loser. what's more than a loser? idk. and i don't want one. so sometimes i just keep quiet. but being too quiet is weird. so i talked. a lot sometimes. and when you called me, i often forgot to ask about you. i'm so sorry. and you are not calling from anywhere near. better remember that next time.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Maaf wifi. aku x kisah dah. nak gune jgk (dah nak abs download bru mntk sorry, ceitttt). biar exceed asal kan dpt tgk GG ep 18. episode ni sgt critical oke. Hopefully, Chuck sempat tgk dgn harapan mata dia terbeliak dan aku tepuk tngn dgn happy nya..yes! take that Bass! in ur pretty face!

ye. kau lupekan lah si Chuck (taste dia urgghh). amik lah Dan. Walaupun dia Humphrey dan tinggal di Brooklyn. tapi tapi, dia lagi baik baik dan baik dari Chuck. memang kau tak rase nk naik limo dah pas ni Blair. sila naik cab. atau naik limo anda sendiri (memang sah lah). padan muka Chuck! hang pi lah kat Raina hang tu. Go Humphrey! ehem, aku suka Dan lah. eh, mane ade khianat. mmg aku dulu dulu suke Dan. tapi Archibald tetap di hati. dia punye charm you can't resist. tapi taste dia, org tua2! takpe, asalkan dia bahagia.

Sabar wei sabar. esk bwk earfon g kelas. tgk dlm kelas. mantap!

ni episode 17. berdebar weh tgk episode ni..haha

Thursday, March 10, 2011

I miss you

You know, my first choice wasn't nursing. it was more to hotel management and tourism. why? because i like to travel and telling people about great places in the world.

then, i want to open up a nursery. nahhh, not the plants one. its more like kindergarten. why? because i love kids. yes, you and you may not believe it but trust me.i can handle pretty much kids. my way of course. after spm, i worked as a teacher at this kindergarten, then i met this cute chinese boy..emmm that time he was just 3 years old..he so cute and cute, i wished he's 17 (im 17 at that time) i really like him. i still do. he got the cutest face and smile. anyway, i took care of him. pretty much everything. i taught him ABC,123..songs (even chinese one). i bathed him. i slept with him (yikes) woke him up. played around with him, scold him.

his parents are hard working people. they always came back late. then i had to stay with him until 8pm sometimes. i don't mind, but my parents are..so guess what?

i bwk dia to my house! yeay! he stayed with me until his parents came and pick him up. cool eh. amik cinapek bwk blk umh. ckp melayu wehhh..hahaha!! i miss those moments. dia sgt cute!

i think, he's 7 years old now! wow! same age as my niece. Good luck boy!

btw, ape motif kau tulis post ni?

ekeleh, aku rindu dia aku tulis lahhh! i miss Lee Hao Min!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I hate Rara!

I believe between 2 best friends there should be some healthy arguments, little bit of drama and so whatever. i didnt talk to my best friend since yesterday evening until..errrr..i can't remember the duration exactly. but hey, we talk now. like we never talk before.

anyway, i do feel bad. if i do something then my best friend is not by my side. usually we had breakfast,lunch, dinner together. but this morning (we dare not to speak yet) so i had breakfast alone. same goes for lunch. but somewhere between classes we 'bergaduh' and then there's more. then there's pause. then only we talked. and end up, having dinner together. which i called her because i had meeting but she's already in her room. so i straight away went to cafe and start to think "i can't do this. i have to talk to her, ala buat bodo je." then went to her room buat muke x malu sket, "ra, dinner jom." then segalanya kembali normal. tu je. all you have to do is. put on your thick face and say sorry.

tak nak kawan sudahhhhh!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Memang malas nk type. nk story pun cm malas. disebabkan kau la.

i could never go to sunway,
could never go to cupcake chic,
could never walk around in sunway,
could never go to midvalley and hang out in mph again
could never go to carrefour in midvalley ever ever again.
could never watch the movie we used to watch again.

wait. i know you possibly don't care. but i do. its been this long and im really tired of this. all of this. i said sorry. for whatever i ever did to you. but you just don't care. i did wrong. and so do you.
i know we are not freakin couple but i went out with you way too many times than anyone else. i don't know why you kept secrets but i don't. i hate secrets. that's why i never keep one.

i really hate you. you are a distraction. big massive one. why can't you just quit your job and move from pj. that would give me some peace. cause i won't. i have contract. if not, i'll be out from your face.

even if i was mad at you, i'll be fine after a week. we could talk it over and apologize and do whatever we want to. but it has been 2 weeks. oh, i have my own reason why i text-ed you using rara's number.

i hate you i wish i never met you.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

R&M part 1

Sem 6 byk mengajar aku. macam2 lah. self reflection, time management, leadership, communication and everything.

dan juga research and management project. ala, yg kne wat research about something that you think need improvement, especially about my college or clinical area. kawan baik boleh bergaduh (kalau dapat same group), musuh kne tolerate sesame sendiri, dan yg tak pernah bertegur atau tak rapat sebelum ni dirapatkan hubungan mereka..

seronok tu memang la, as im the kind of person who likes to work in a group. =) tapi bukan sume org suke bekerja dgn org ramai. ade yg suke buat kerja sndri, dan pass up hasil kerja mereka (kadang2 mereka beri rubbish pada leader) yg mana buat bagus tu, keep it up!. kesian aku tengok leader every group. to tell you the truth, even leader aku cried sbb dia igt diri dia tak layak jadi leader. eh, tak la! sebab leader ni, lecturer kitorg yg chose. mereka ade sebab tersendiri mengapa mereka chose kamu. jadi jgn bersedih dan cheer up! everybody made mistakes. so what we have to do? learn from the mistakes and never did the same thing again.

kalau kau leader dan kau ter amatlah soft spoken dan baik hati, emm be careful sebab as far as i know people like to take you for granted. haa, time ade meeting la kau nak dating, nak kuar la, nak tu la, nk ni la..kalau nk dating tu boleh, tapi habaq mai awai2 nokkkk..bukan last minute. sebab project ni group work, mana mungkin buat seorang diri (even ade lagi 10 org). lain la kalau emergency, dan berdating itu adalah kemahuan dan bukan keperluan, apatah lagi di kategorikan sbg kecemasan...pffttt..

part yg paling tension mase time literature review. nak kne bace literature tu bukan skit, tp byk taw tak! mostly ktorng amk from google scholar (thanx yaw!) dan database such as science direct dan proquest. lain2 tu pndai2 la korg cri. must be reliable taw. and give credit la tu those who cited the phrase. kang kau kne cop plagiarism.

part yg plng best adlh mase create questionnaire. time ni idea tibe2 je tumbuh cm cendawan (bernas ke tak, tu lain cerite)..hahahaa..pastu korg gembira bile questionnaire korg di approve oleh lecturer. time tu, boleh la distribute kat kawan2 dan junior2..tgk cmne hasil nya..so far ktorg bru buat pilot study..dan result serta feed back dari mereka not bad lahhh...ade gak idea nak wat bab management nanti..

yeay! malam ni nak distribute soalan yg betul2..nanti kite tgk hasilnya. :-)

k lah, nak rehat dulu. penat beb, kelas dari 8-5. otak ni kene rehat jap...zzzzzz...

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

1,2,3 Go. just let it go.

Ready dah nak tulis. sebab tak reply msg kite, x app friend request kite. so kite tulis kat blog je lahh..anyway, sume org taw..ape2 pun kite akan tulis kat blog.

fine. kalau tak nak approve friend request kite. tapi at least kite dah mintak maaf. kite dah pikir2, kalau maafkan kite pun, things will never be the same. so, takpe. maafkan lah kite ok. pasni kite tak kacau dah. lagi pun pasni kite akan jadi super duper busy.

actually, kite mmg tak patut pun marah dan tak bercakap. but, nth. cm tetibe lak. pastu bile pkr2 balik, like lahhh...bukan nya bf kite pun. so, watpe nak marah dan jealous (?). bukan nya pernah declare couple ke ape. even dah kuar byk kali pun cm..well..nth. takpe la. takde pape yg serious. just a picture je kan.

takde sape wat salah pape. ok. maybe kite.

hmmm, ok. dah. cm tu je la. it has to end. somehow, somewhere, and some time.

lovequotesrus:  Photo Courtesy: staree

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Happy weekend

My weekend. i love weekends sometimes i don't know what to do. haaaa? hahaaa..ok xde la. just teman rina shopping kat mines. gile la dia. nak beli spec cm go mi nam. ala, yg nerd tu. dah dapat suke lahh tu wekkk. turn aku lak. emmmm, nak beli ape ek?igt nk beli heels, ke flats, wedges? nahh..dah byk kt umh. last2 beli handbag. awwww, cantik (sendiri puji) kaler putih. xde kaler ni lagi. sebab tu beli.

cmni. ouh, i miss her hair. da lme x style cmni.

nway, aku ngn rina mmg ade satu thing la bile shopping. kami tak pikir panjang. kalau nak yg tu, tu lahhh..dah toksah nak round2 satu mines, last2 tmpt tu gak. just cam, kami ade feel bile nmpk something yg kami suke..trus beli lah. xde cmni "jap ah, pikir dlu."or "round dulu lahh.."
aku xde mase nak layan. kalau beli baju maybe lahh..atau kasut (esp kasut) sebab bab kasut ni lain sket. rambang mata den...nak yang tu, jap g nak yg ini. kalau raya, bju sume aku paling cepat, tapi kalau bab kasut, errrr.... -__- ''' ish, rase cm nak beli satu kedai je..haaa.. susah la maaaa..

pastu, balik. kne cepat sbb rina ade tuition. xyah susah, cikgu dtg umh. home tuition. parents aku lagi suke cmni. ade privacy dan senang one on one. eh, asal aku x ajar dia. sape ckp aku x ajar. aku special bio ngn eng taw. tapi rina hebat gak 2 subjek ni. kdg2 je dia tnye aku. aku kan kamus bergerak dlm umh..pfffftttt..(ni rina yg bg gelaran ni)

then, petang sket. ade pasar malam. tapi tak. aku g petang dlm kul 5 cmtu. bwk kanak2 riang. yela, mereka itu. mak aiiiii, berzaman aku x g pasar malam tmn umh aku ni. byk nya org asing. takut dow. terjerit-jerit gak la aku kt sne. kang hilang plak budak2 itu. rajin gak, bangla, ngn mat nepal ni beli sayur- sayuran. terer ke diorg masak ek? cm hebat je. bwk plastik byk2..nway, rajin lah tu kann kann..dah kau beli ape je bedah?? errrr, air asam boi ngn cendol utk mereka berdua.
igt nk pekene apam balik, tapi abg apam balik x smpai lagi..haihhhh..

after that, " haaaa, meh la cikgu join ktorg tea.." *break time*
layan kal ho naa ho..(gile hindustan at heart). actually, dah tgk byk kali. tapi tetibe nk tgk lagi (kau slalu je tetibe kannnnn) pastu cm x sempat abs (dah la 3 cd)..hahaha..pas rina abs tuition je trus mama anta balik kolej ni haa..

ceitt, ade meeting. tu pasai nokkkk..hehe..

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Pasal name camni la jadi nye..

So, asal kau poyo sgt smpai lecturer pnggl kau datyn?

lek r derrrr, aku amin kan je. mane lah taw, untung2 aku jadi datin, kan kan? haaa, membe kau jugak. boleh ke cmtu?

xde. mane ade. actually, aku pun tak pasti tapi aku cube terangkan lah ye (mengikut teori aku)

semua org sibuk memperkenalkan diri. al maklumlah, time tu sem 1. setiap kali mmg kne sesi suai kenal ni.

"my name is Sayidatina Atiqah binti Zamri...bla bla bla...."

"wah, your name so long ahhh.."

"emmm, yes but..."

tibe2 dak2 kelas aku rmai2 ckp "call dia datyn je"

"????" (dgn muke x bersalah padahal...)

"hmmmm, okay lah, datyn. next!"

since then...gosh. tibe2 rse nk tuka name lak. until now ok. lecturer aku pnggl nme tu. lagi satu, disebabkan datyn aku kne cop dak sombong. snob la. mcm2 lg.

actually, kalau aku tak senyum kat kau tu jgn lah terase plak. takkan aku nk senyum je 24/7. sakit otot2 muke aku oke. maybe, time tu aku bru kene halau kelas ke (gulp!), kene marah ke, ngh bengang ke, bru bngn tido ke, ngh pkr bnd lain ke..

cube kau bayang kan, kau dok jejalan kt koridor kelas tu senyum sorang2 (sorang2 !) kalau ade rara tu lain. pelik kot. silap aribulan, org kate kau giler weh (salah satu faktor kau kne cop giler ni lahh dia). hahahaaa...

lagi satu, sebab og cina susah nk sebut nme aku. (kdg2 melayu pun same). kalau tgk name tag aku ade la dlm 1 minit dok pkr camne nak sebut nme aku.. last2, "nme you pnjg la, nak pnggl ape ek?" cisss...

nway, aku still suke dan sayang nme aku fullstop. nak pnggl datyn ke, tina ke, atiqah ke (well, xpnh plak org pnggl aku cmni) yg penting kite enjoy ! hahahaaa.. :p

Friday, February 25, 2011

Kisah ini tidak benar

Kisah pada pukul 8am, di dalam kelas. yg agak hening (sibuk mendengar story lecturer nmpknye)

"Datyn (she really called me by that name!), wat did you do last night?!"
"go out and wash your face!"

*go out and wash face*

but i'm not even sleepy. ok. maybe your story rather boring than what's on my mind at that time.
i'm not in the class (?)

i was thinking about something. ergghhh.

so last nyte. i had some lil fight wif rara. because she used my fb acc to send msg to that someone. sayin "we need to talk"
to which, he send a text msg sayin, talk about wat?
then, i figured out. maybe i did send him msg (unconsciously?)
but, it turns out. i wont do something like that. that's just not me. so i made her explain for me. it was complicated n yes, i cried. why does she have to made me cry??

anyway, the problem solved. i mean about the msg and the talk. the rest, i haven't figured it out yet. just not yet.

ps: my roomate said, "mate kau sepet sgt. tu yg dia igt kau tido kot. dah dah pergi wat plastic surgey." pfftttt...

Thursday, February 24, 2011

9 tahun bukan nya mudah ;)

Okay. tak de la susah mane pun (noted that from pown to pun, selepas tgk video inianwarhadi dah berubah gaya tulisan)

anyway, poyo je title post this time. tapi, tak pe. yang penting isi kandungan nya. hehe..

apa yg 9 tahun nye cik tina oiiiii?

setelah bermain teka-teka dengan budak Toulon (ye, dia lembss gile.."ape yg 9 tahun?")
setelah di beri pelbagai hint, juga tak dapat teka dgn jaya nya.
haihhhh, takkan la wedding anniversary aku kot..(kawen pun belum lagi)
so terpaksa la bgtau dia, dan ade byk lagi bnd kene paksa hari ni, ceehhhh. siap la kau.

well, da 9 tahun friendship kot!! (dgn nada excited dan muka yg ala innocent, tapi dia bukan nya nmpk pun)

bhahahahahaahhahhaa!!. selambe je dia gelak! cisssss! tak lawak ok.

wei, asal 9? takde la, ni planning utk next year so 10 la kan kan..(still nada excited)

"aku, kau, jija, zarith, eh kau ngn jija dah lg lama kotttt...so, aku, kau, zarith"
"3 org je la ni?"
"limited lahhhhh, i choose my 9 years frens.."
"ok. kau g la sambut, aku ade lg lama kot.."

nak bwk awek la, bf lahhh...tak boleh. membe only.

"eh, asal. party aku bukan kau.."
"kau nk wat party gak..ekeleh..fine."

btw, dia tak puas hati sbb aku letak nme aku Scherbatsky. wahahahahahaa!!
"kau bajet robin laa...?"
"well...approve cepat!"
kne pakse approve. pergi party kau kne pakse, nak approve pun kne pakse.

to which aku dgn nada kesal dan bersalah terus cakap "emmmm, takpe la. dah takyah approve"
taktik wei, taktik. hahahaa..

kate 9 tahun. tak berjaya taktik nih nmpk nya..

dia kate "wei, kau tu take care"
aku ok je dude. kau balik m'sia cepat2.

actually aku ugut dia (jahat wei) kalau tak nak celebrate 10 years, tak yah balik terus. stay kat sane.

"ok la tu, boleh sambut 12 tahun terus."

kalau ngn kau dude mmg tak mudah. asal ngn jija ngn zarith sume aku ok je. tgk, kau yg huru hara kan hidup aku. heh.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Tried and tired


no, i'm usual hyper. but today i'm just really really tired.
of everything.

nak nanges weh. aku tak pernah rse penat cmni. byk giler bnd nk kne wat.
actually, more to nak kne perah otak dan fikir.

dan. ade lah lagi yg wat aku cm haihhhhh, "da la biar la." atau "takpe, soon the memories will fade"

tapi tolong la. jgn nak berahsia lagi. tak suka. kite tak rahsia pape pown. atau kite mmg tade rahsia nk bgtaw. takpe lah. keep busy. nanti bile space dlm otak aku ni cm da penuh, boleh la aku delete mne2 yg x patut. tp slalu dia ter delete sndri.

i don't always say goodbye to people. but you're an exception.

Goodbye. i hope not to see you in anytime from now.

Sunday, February 20, 2011


that's the queue.

i'm leaving. thanx for the memories.

btw, penat weh last week. nth pape. asal kne stayback smpai kul 5pm?? tulahhhhhhh da sem 6 ni kne berkorban.


korban time tidur petang, which aku buat. sebab kelas aku tak mcm korg. kelas aku 8-4 plus skg 1 hour. jd la 5. break pown alahai. break pown kdg2 ade meeting. aisshhhh...

korban jejalan g pasar mlm/petang. tadi adik aku tnye, "kak. kau dah x g psr malam ek?"
"huh? pasar malam? bile pasar malam? mane?"
"lah, pasar malam kt universiti ahhhh...."
"oh. eh? nth. da lme aku x g dowh, trimas sbb igt kan aku.."

so, cm nk g plak esok. da lme x jejak kaki. kalau dulu, nasi lemak kukus dia mmg sedap. alamak, ckp psal food. td dinner aku j.co je. cukup lah tu kan. at least cukup kalori utk bertukar menjadi tenaga dan utk...errr...taip? hahahaaaa....

korban time berangan. disebabkan itu, aku berangan dlm kelas. cehhhh...

btw, saya ade misi! misi ni penting. walaupun saya sendiri adalh misi (nurse), tp misi ini lg penting. nanti dah berjaya saya umumkan.. takpe, sidekick saya rara. dia sudi membantu.

okie dokie.

nak men GG game ni. best plak!


Friday, February 18, 2011

Tell me.

Aiiishhhhhhhhhhh, jinja! eh, ape kau merepek daaa??

oh, sorry..dis mean, aishhhhhhhhhhh really la..in korean.

i send u text, u didn't reply.
i ask u what's wrong u don't want to tell me.
i commented, u didn't reply too...

yaaaaaaaahhhh~~how am i supposed to know whats wrong. i really really want to help you.

if you could just share your problem, maybe it could be less burden for you, right?

but its okay......
take your time, but if you ever need help, if you could just turn around maybe you can see me.

btw, i really miss you.

you are really nice to me how can i forget you?

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Macam-macam part 2

Jom lompat tinggi2!!

da habis house final yeah2!! tp tp ade osce. daym. weh, x baik mencarut skg! nt kau fail dow. oopssss..kayh2.

"boleh bakar notes kan rara?" "
"aah..nt kalau kau kne resit ke (mntk2 pass la oke) kau cari abu paper tu dgn harapan sket magic akan berlaku, paper kau ade blk sehelai2 cmtu."
"boleh ke?"
"mestilah tak, bengong!"


the conversation between two best friends can be a lil bit of errrr...idiotic. but only applies on certain condition. like what we are now.

even dah finish ngn exam, still ade research assignments to do. yes! alterations i like! how to make my hospital a better better place to stay for patients. patients lah. org sihat dok umah baik- baik, diam2 taw! nurse nk g keje. hehehe..

oooohhhhhhhhhh, since im one of the person yg agak lambat untuk dapat stress, but believe me. rara xde stress. she's stress-free punya olang. bile kau stress haaa? aku taw, bile kau stress kau tido kan? kau tido 3 kali sehari. in duration of errrr...nth aku x kire. hahaha..

tapi skg, nak balik umh.

nak men game, nak jmp jija, zarith. lepak2 ngn diorang. gossip seperkara dua. hahhaa..
nak makan j.co (every week mkn donut, patutla muke cm donut!) oke. fine. steamboat plak ah!
nak nak nak niiiiiiiiiiiiii..rara belikan, please?

sedap weh. aku pernah rse yg black forest nye cm sedap giler. betol tak tipu.

Rara, Sunway jom! aku tetibe nak makan cupcake plak. ni Cupcake Chic punye pasal la ni. post pic yg comel2. dah la dpt balloon kt pavvy nye outlet. nak nak!! =)

my daily dose of happiness. hari2 kne telan.

till then, adios!

Budak Toulon. cmni la.

Dude. bile kau nk blk?

aku nk num France ah cmni. bile kau call aku ngh study. sometimes aku termiss nk angkat. sometimes aku tak bawak phone. sometimes aku lupe mne aku letak phone aku.

then cmne. kau deactivate fb. sbb kau nk study. cmne aku nk sampaikan mesej2 dari org Malaysia?

susah cmni dude. :(

ps: kene la wat cmni kot. nanti balik bgtaw awal2. aku da keje nti. nk apply cuti. kayh.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Macam-macam part 1

Dude im so sorry i didnt pick up the phone. ummm, i studied and forgot to bring along my phone. heh, call me when you get this. and forgive me? =p

btw, fyi. i just finsihed my house final!! yeay! yippie! *lompat tinggi2*

oke. tipu. esk ade lg last paper. tp last paper, apedehal kan? Multiple choice questions aka MCQ. and ni part plng best. ade 100 questions to be answered!! oh wow. lets sleep! *bang books on the table* hahaha..td dah men pop quiz ngn rakan sekelas. ok la kot. (?) tak! mane cukup. ade byk lg kene cover.

takpe. esok akan datang jua. study malam ni smpai muntah cm biase.

skg, nk berangan activity pas exam.

rase cm nk karaoke. da lme x nyanyi kuat2!! nak nyanyi nak nyanyi!!

nk men game! adik drop it. my turn now. GTA aku dah berhabuk. "tp tina time exam pown main game gak..smpai kul 4 pg apedehal...."

"eleh, biar lah. aku da level up kan ko nye game pe..kecoh. wekkkkk.."

then igt nk men masak2. ni mungkin reaksi rina.. "masak? ouh yeke. g la.."
then nti.. "eh, adik..tolong masak makaroni bakar..oke. aku tolong"
kalau ade adik kesayangan masak, kau lek je..aku memang best pe. rara pndai masak, adik pown sme, mama lg masak sedap sedap.. untung la..

ape nk buat kalau takde chef2 ni?? eh, aku reti masak wei. tp diorg slalu offer nk masak. so...hehe...

"sori dude. nt aku blaja dgn lebih tekun.." kau bukan nk blk skg kannnn...kalau esok kau blk, skg jugak aku soh rara ajar kan masak asam pedas..kau lek je..nt mesti siap dan sedap.

dah dah.

lagi2. nak tgk movie ah. pe lg.

nak touch up umah baru, nak manje2 ngn kete kebal..

haihhh..macam2 la. tp pas abs exam ni ade CNY party kat umah Vicky! Yeay! hai uncle, aunty! long time no see!!

btw, there's no strings attached! so kau tak payah nk risau ok.

Friday, February 4, 2011


Yep. something bad happened to me this afternoon. i should have told the staff in the first place. n yes, im desperate for everything right now. so, what i can say now is that..im really really really sorry. please punish me, scold me. its my fault. but don't bring this up to my college. please, please. gosh..im really scared now. im so scared i could throw up anytime.. :( haihhhhh...

PS: i stopped living in fairytale. Disneyland is for kids.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Tolong la ingatkan aku

Eh lme gak x update ek. ok lah. tp slalu je usha blog org lain. haha. stalker.

lately, eh bukan td..aku letak status "yea, i like you. if not, i wouldn't go out with you"
actually dia cmni. "no, i don't like you,so i don't go out with you" well..mane boleh terang sgt.
tp betol oke. aku x kuar ngn sebarang owg. it has to be someone that im comfortable with. seriously like, kau ckp kau kenal aku 8 tahun or cm bukan smlm aku kenal kau. so what? aku kene kuar ngn kau la? u got to be more than dat. maybe aku kenal kau time skola, hi2, bye2..dok satu meja. mkn sme2. then after that you left me, then you got me back. you expect i would say "yes"? its not wonderful years with you. it never happened. of course. your very good looking, great course your taking. major in marines..bla bla bla..but that's it.

then you said, i'm bad. guess again. who cares? you don't fucking deserve my kindness.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

I'm in LOVE. with MALDIVES!!

Hello, hello!
ade org tak? heeeee... sori beb. lme x hapdate. lappy wat hal. xley detect wifi. ceitttt. gne lappy rara on fb. tu je la. smbl lihat2 nuffnang. itu sje.

lain2, psal post aritu..ceh setelah sesi meluahkan perasaan di hadapan cermin ok dah. tak marah. kalau marah pown mmg btol2 marah la!

nway, me and rara dah kire2 hari bersama (gler, cm lesbo plak dgr!) tak2, bkn cmtu. heh. spe phm ok lah..10 hari je beb! wtf! wth! stfu! x aci x aci!! kate 2 minggu! ni saploh ari je.

to Zainur: sori dude kalau x sempat blaja masak best2, chef stay as stated above.

btw, im so sorry to dad & mom. xdpt nk simpan duit bebaik! tgk wedges leopard cm *droolssss*. tgk MNG wallet *droolssss* sale tuhhh!! cpt grab! duit esok2 boleh kumpul kan kan??
next month allowance boleh lagi. ade time lagi nih.
haa..yee..kumpul duit nk kawen. aku nk kawen dah. teettttttttttttt..

haihhh, 1001 alasan diperlukan utk mengumpul duit. duit, duit, duit. takde duit, jgn byk ckp. tgk je ok. haha...ade duit tp jap, simpan utk 'emergency'. haha..

ok. nak berangan.

since aku ngn rara slalu berangan, so boleh la kan...kan..

rmai org nk honeymoon kat paris. but not me. at least not to see the museum, the art, the history. i particularly, one of the person that dun really enjoy much of the art, history bla bla bla..maybe nak shop pown cm tak mampu (ceh, being real plak =p)

but im more to practical. i dun like to see the past and being so great about it. i dun even noe the people! geezz...so where to lahhh?

well besides than, CORALS, OCEANS, MARINES!! and and A BOAT! (a yacht would be nice too)

Mauritius also can lahhh. as long as there's beach, oceans, and nice weather!! i dun mind being under the sun as long as i get to swim swim and swim!! yeay!!

last time went to langkawi omg! i spend most of the time at the beach! then get sunburn! hahaha!!

we can go snorkeling, go around the island, sleep on the white sandy beach, swim the whole day, having dinner at the beach, ahhhhh..niceeee!!

*snap fingers, slap face, both sides!*

oi oi, bangun! nak mimpi lagi?? *nak lahhhh!*
hehee...kan best berangan weh.
thanx Mr. Google for the dream!!

Thursday, January 27, 2011


So, statement. aku caring? pffftt...caring psal kau? double pfftttttt....plus wtf?

please la weh. kau dah block aku. pastu kau kutuk aku kt fb. kau gler dow. emmm, psycho much?
atau ur just being coward. how bout this. come to me, and say it in front of my face. senang kn? jmp hari2. ai, x puas hati ckp depan2 beb. kau yg ckp kan. skg kau xleh buat?

skg cube kau bgtaw aku, spe yg sebok2 sgt nk taw psal aku smpai sakit telinga kau dgr, sakit mate kau tgk?? kalau setakat grup girl, xde hal la beb. aku rse diowg boleh tnye sndri kot. ke kau sje2 gebang? kan kan? kau kan bajet hero. or heroin. nth aku x kesah. ye, aku sengal. tp kau bangang kot. kau yg cri pasal ngn aku dulu. aku x pnh sebok2 nk taw psal kau. asal weh. kau PARANOID!
oh, lg satu..aku dgr byk gak cite psal kau. tp as well, idgaf. kau paranoid. tu psal kau kne amk taw.

ah, x kire. ni kan blog aku. suke ati ahhh...

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Oi, hello!

satu pesanan harini. jgn jadi bodo. igt aku x taw kau stalk bce blog aku ke sengal. eh, ni bukan yg kat nun jauh tu. ni yg dekat2 ni haa..tp actually, kau x phm bhs dow. ape mslh kau. dah block tu block je la. taw ape mksd block? halang! xkasi tgk. xkasi taw. haaa..rule kalau dah block org ni, jgn sebok2 lg. kau jge diri leklok. byk mulut jgk sini. tp xkisah la. kalau kau nk bce jugak, silakan. even satu post je. boleh naik kan traffic blog aku. x kisah x kisah..mari2 jemput cik adik, abang, sume2 lah..

ps: childish weh.


What if i stay forever
what if there's no goodbye?

Sunday, January 23, 2011

From me to u ;)

I will miss you. i always do. Siti Maheeran.

kan kau ckp.."titi, kalau la aku taw 2 thn lepas..kau akan jd best friend aku. mesti lg best. mcm2 kite plan sme2..msk sme2..hehe.."

awwww ;) rara, rara..

kau mesti xtaw. tp aku rse aku dah ter-bgtaw kau. ape je yg aku x cite kat kau.

"rara, kalau 2 thn lepas kau taw aku akan jd best friend kau, kau rse kite still kawan lg ke skg?"

im just glad. really glad.

u r my:
1. chef
2. mechanic
3. study partner
4. crying shoulder (tho most of the time u dun noe wat to do)
5. dream partner!! (i just love doin this with u. keep me awake in class)

hey, kau ajar aku bce motor trader! haha. kau ajar aku pasal kete. until now, aku clueless.
"papehal aku call kau je la eh?" < ------- LMFAO

Rara, tinggal bpe bulan je lg dow. cmne weh? well, im scared u noe. :(

Friday, January 21, 2011

Tak boleh sweet sgt! nanti diabetic!

Congrats to my bestie! Azzriza for breaking the betting! yeay! TGI is on the way bebeh. tunggu je la. tulah. i da agak punye. mane boleh stay single. ishhh dah 21 kot. for you lah. not me. i 27 kot. hehe. nak kumpul duit byk2!!

btw, Zainur..muke bf Azza cm kau dow.

back to the story.

aku x suke. eh byk plak bnd kau x suke. itu x suke, ini x kene. well biase lah. we have to be choosy to get the best! ceit.
okay2, aku x suke kan. bile kau state yg kite kawan, just kawan kan. xyh la wat bnd2 sweet sgt. kang diabetic plak aku. heh. serious dow. one thing you need to know about me, i fall so easily.
but easily find way up lahh =p. aku x boleh la. jgn nak sweet sgt ngn aku. org cepat perasan la sng cite.

bf aku pun x sweet cm kau. dulu lahhh. mne ade sweet cm kau. kan kawan je. haaa. oke?
aku suke kau weh, tp bukan skg nk confess sgt. nanti lah. nanti mesti aku bgtaw kau. pastu kau...errr..nth la. xpnh terpikir plak. tapi kau best dan memang sgt baik.

bak kate best friend aku, "kau ni tina, jgn cepat sgt suke org lahhh.."

kau x boleh sweet sgt ngn aku. nt aku gedik, kau parah. haha. ade ke? sengal.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Aku dah ckp jgn plan. skg tgk cmne? patutla aku tido smpai kul 9pm! so kau tinggal kan aku sorg2 kat kolej ni? cmni la kan. btw, td aku mimpi ke ape? kau ckp nk blk kan, ikin admit seri kota. yelah, fine. adik kau sakit.

woi! haih. adik dia sakit kan. ape la kau ni. xkn nk jeles kot.

so ape aku nk buat malam ni? aku nk lepak ngn spe? haaa, rumet! join rumet tgk the tourist la. buat milo sorang2. slalu berdua. lepak kat pantry. sok sek sok sek. ade je bnd nk cite. heee..
aku rse bile dah blk hosp msng2 mesti nangis gila babs. skg pown aku nk nangis. kau nk tinggalkan aku weh. promise kau stay ngn aku sebulan nt oke? promise! kite masak sme2, g kolej sme2..cuti sme2. excited plak! see, i told u. kan aku ske excited bnd yg nth pape ni. haha.. =p

kau jgn jd cm zainur fareezal ek. both of you make me cry. leaving. jgn lah leave, stay je lahhhh..nanti aku sorg2. seri kota jauh. ceh, padahal klang je. dah dah. g balik cepat. jge ikin. dia sakit tu. esok blk boleh minum milo kannnn? yela, esk nk mkn ape. duit xde. sob sob. mkn pasir kot.